
He Persisted: Hillary’s Camp In Meltdown Mode Because Bernie Won’t Bow to the Queen

- Maret 03, 2019

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has jumped into the 2020 ring. Former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton hasn’t (yet). But their camps are fighting like its 2016 all over again, and I’m just here for the popcorn and laughs.

Fox News reports on the latest dust-up:

A former top Hillary Clinton aide took aim at 2020 presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Friday, after Sanders said he wasn’t really interested in receiving any advice from his 2016 Democratic presidential primary rival, citing “fundamental differences” with her.

“I don’t know who our nominee is going to be but I am damn sure that beating Trump & getting America back on the right footing is going to require a unified Democratic Party, so crap like this 613 days before Election Day is irresponsible, counter-productive, & sets us all back,” former Clinton senior adviser Nick Merrill tweeted Friday.

Merrill’s blast came after Sanders, in an appearance on ABC’s “The View,” told host Meghan McCain that he didn’t think he would be meeting with Clinton for advice about his presidential bid.

“I suspect not,” Sanders said. “She has not called me.”

Sanders then explained that while he respects Clinton, they don’t exactly agree on a variety of issues.

“We have differences, you know, Hillary has played a very important role in modern American politics,” he said.

McCain reiterated, “So you’re not interested in any advice from her?”

“I think not,” Sanders said, prompting laughter from the audience as he stumbled to finish his thought. He went on to say that the two have “fundamental differences.”

He went on to say that he wanted to be the nominee, and that if he was he hoped he would get the support of the party. He also said he hoped the party would come together no matter who the nominee eventually was because the ultimate goal was to defeat Donald Trump (which of course garnered a lot of applause from audience).

Watch video of Sanders’s remarks below:

Look, I’m no Bernie fan but he’s right to some extent here when it comes to Clinton. He doesn’t owe her any great deal of loyalty just because many of the other Democratic candidates are meeting with Hillary in order seek favor from and to bow to the queen. Plus, they ran bruising primary campaigns against each other in 2016, and I’m sure there is a lot of leftover resentment from both camps.

He’s also right in that they have substantial policy differences, although from where I’m sitting in the cheap seats it’s hard to tell the difference between full on socialism and socialism-lite (a.k.a.”Shared Prosperity”).

In any event, ultimately for Sanders this is about winning. I’m not so sure that I’d be so eager to get advice from the the second place candidate from the 2008 Democratic primaries, and the “sure-winner” Democratic presidential nominee from 2016 whose presidential hopes fell apart on campaign night (cc: Wisconsin).

In short, Hillary is a twice-failed candidate for president. If I was a Democratic presidential contender, I wouldn’t be seeking her out, either.

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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