
In 2016 Independent Conservative Publishers Pushed Trump Over Finish Line – So Democrats and Tech Giants Deleted Them and GOP Did Nothing

- Maret 18, 2019

In 2016 Donald Trump stunned the organized left by defeating Hillary Clinton with ease in a stunning upset.

The organized left of mainstream media, the Democrat Party, corrupted Deep State governmental agencies and the far left tech giants were left in tears in defeat.

This wasn’t supposed to happen.
Hillary was supposed to win. They fought for it. It was her turn.

Following the election a Harvard study and a similar study at Columbia Journalism Review discovered and listed the top media influencers during the 2016 election.

The studies recorded similar results.

The 2016 election was the first national election where conservatives on a grand scale rejected mainstream media and went elsewhere for their news and content.
Conservatives went to Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, FOX News, and independent conservative publishers for content.

And so the organized left vowed to destroy these content providers.

This influence map below by Columbia Journalism Review shows the top influencers during the 2016 election.

Breitbart, Western Journal, Gateway Pundit, Conservative Review, Young Cons, Right Wing News, Zerohedge, Infowars, etc. were top conservative influencers in 2016.

And here, after two years of purposeful targeting, is that same map showing the conservative publishers who have been targeted and censored by Facebook since 2017.

Facebook has been shutting down traffic to conservative websites since the 2016 election.

Conservatives dominated social media in 2016 where they were able to get the truth uncensored.  Facebook ended that in 2017 and 2018.

Last year the Gateway Pundit spoke with two of the top conservative publishers in America.

Floyd Brown is a conservative author, speaker and media commentator. In 2008 Floyd launched Western Journal which quickly became one of the top conservative websites in America. By 2016 Floyd’s organization of Western Journal and other conservative websites under his umbrella had more than a billion page views. Since 2016 Floyd’s organization lost 75% of its Facebook traffic.

Likewise, we spoke with Jared Vallorani from Klicked Media. Jared traveled to Washington DC with The Gateway Pundit and website owners at 100%FedUp in June to discuss Facebook targeting against conservative publishers with Republican lawmakers. Jared told The Gateway Pundit his organization Klicked Media, which hosts over 60 conservative websites, lost 400 million page views from Facebook in the last six months if you compare the traffic to a year ago.  Jared said, “We lost 70% to 80% of our traffic if you compare January to May 2017 vs Jan to May 2018.”

If you combine the total number of page-views lost by just these two conservative online publishers you are looking at a loss of over 1.5 billion page-views from Facebook in one year.

These are numbers from just two of the top conservative publishers in America on Facebook.  This does not include the thousands of other conservative publishers across the country who lost all of their traffic coming from Facebook. 

Here at The Gateway Pundit our Facebook traffic has been effectively eliminated after we were ranked as the 4th most influential conservative publisher in the 2016 election.  We continue to flourish because we have such a vast organic traffic base.  Several other top conservative publishers were not so lucky and shut down operations since 2016.

This is a bloodbath.  Facebook  wiped out conservative content to American subscribers.  Google, Twitter and Instagram also target, censor and delete conservative publishers.  James O’Keefe and Project Veritas have revealed this targeting is intentional.

The Republican Party stood back and watched this happen.  The GOP “Pretend” Party did nothing as this massacre of free speech occurred.

Today Donald Trump Jr.  wrote a piece at The Hill of the censorship of his social media pages.

This was a good report.

Many of us have been speaking out for a year.
Republicans sit back as free speech is stolen.
More than half of the top independent conservative publishers from 2016 are already gone.

This is a crisis.

The post In 2016 Independent Conservative Publishers Pushed Trump Over Finish Line – So Democrats and Tech Giants Deleted Them and GOP Did Nothing appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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