
Michael Cohen Was Shopping Around a Book Proposal in the Weeks Prior to the April 2018 FBI Raid …Which Praised Trump

- Maret 02, 2019

Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels’ attorney, left, watches as Michael Cohen, center, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, leaves federal court in New York, Thursday, April 26, 2018. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)


The Daily Mail has obtained a copy of a book proposal written by President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen. The proposal, dated January 24, 2018, was entitled “Trump Revolution: From The Tower to the White House, Understanding Donald J. Trump.”

And, contrary to his disparaging testimony before Congress on Wednesday, it paints Trump in a very positive light.

Cohen was in the process of negotiating a $750,000 book deal with publishing house Hachette shortly before the FBI’s raid on his home and office. However, the deal collapsed after Cohen was charged by SDNY.

Trump was obviously delighted upon hearing this news and wasted no time in spreading the word.

According to the Daily Mail, Cohen discussed how many people insult the President, calling him “crazy, dumb, paranoid and hateful toward the media.”

All of these things have been said about my longtime boss, Donald J. Trump. None of it is true. Except maybe that last one – about the media. Trump does believe that reporters are out to get him, and for a very good reason. Many of them are.

The proposal also said he would discuss First Lady Melania Trump, Trump’s children, and the “unfortunate saga of Stormy Daniels.” Cohen wrote that he hoped to use the book to “unravel and explain mysteries that surround the president. Those would include: ‘Trump’s communications style, management style, negotiating tactics, combat profile, Twitter battles and family dynamics. Along with the Russia probe and the revolving door at the White House.”

Cohen saw his most important role as “looking out for Mr. Trump and his family.”

Here are several additional excerpts from Cohen’s proposal:

I have a lot to say about all of this stuff, with the understanding that there are some things I simply can’t talk about because I am, as I said at the outset, Trump’s longtime lawyer. But there’s plenty I can talk about, so here I am.

Most of my work took place behind the scenes. Unless it was the sort of situation that required me to come through the front door with a wrecking ball, that is – in which case my involvement was pretty obvious.

No issue was too big, too sticky or too oddball for me to tackle. I saw it all, handled it all. And still do.

By offering my point-of-view, it is my sincere hope that I can help close or at least narrow the knowledge gap. For reporters, who have the important job of covering Trump; for lawmakers, who need to work constructively with Trump to get things done for our country; for global leaders who aspire to work collaboratively with America; for supporters, who have faith and put Trump into the White House; for critics, whose continued vigilance helps Trump and the Republican party get better at their jobs – Democrats, too. And for anybody else, no matter what your party or affiliation, who has an interest in gaining a better understanding of the world, ways and methodology of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Well, that was then and this is now and his feelings for Trump have changed diametrically.

During Wednesday’s testimony on Capitol Hill, Cohen’s remarks about the President were bitter and hostile. He said Trump was “a racist, a con man and a cheat.” He said:

Since taking office, he has become the worst version of himself. He is capable of behaving kindly, but he is not kind. He is capable of committing acts of generosity, but he is not generous. He is capable of being loyal, but he is fundamentally disloyal.

Cohen said there were two specific events that caused him to turn against his former employer. He was unhappy with Trump’s handling of the violent Charlottesville, VA protests and about Trump’s comments and behavior at his joint press conference with Putin in Helsinki.

The Charlottesville protests actually happened long before he wrote his proposal in which he praised the President.

Cohen has made so many contradictory statements, it is difficult to keep track. Perhaps that’s why Mueller didn’t keep him out of jail to serve as a future witness. He is unreliable at best.

Cohen is scheduled to begin a three year prison sentence in May. In addition to one count of lying to Congress regarding the timing of his negotiations for a possible Trump building project in Russia and “one count of making an excessive campaign contribution,” he has plead guilty to “five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, and one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution.”

The post Michael Cohen Was Shopping Around a Book Proposal in the Weeks Prior to the April 2018 FBI Raid …Which Praised Trump appeared first on RedState.


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