
Muslim Advocates: Any Statement Denouncing Anti-Semitism Endangers the Life of Ilhan Omar

- Maret 08, 2019

Eleven different Jewish groups, including the National Council for Young Israel, called on House Democrat leadership to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee this week following her slew of anti-Semitic comments.

Democrats were unable to come to consensus on a statement condemning anti-Semitism.

Pelosi bowed to radical Democrats in her caucus this week.

On Thursday Muslims Advocates released this statement defending Ilhan Omar.

The Islamic group says any resolution denouncing anti-Semitism puts Ilhan Omar’s life in danger.

The following is a statement from Farhana Khera, executive director of Muslim Advocates, denouncing the anti-Muslim bigotry driving many of the attacks on Rep. Ilhan Omar. Muslim Advocates also recently issued Running on Hate, a report documenting anti-Muslim political rhetoric:

“The attacks on Congresswoman Ilhan Omar are part of a coordinated, decades-long effort to paint American Muslims as inherently foreign, violent and deeply hostile to women, the LGBTQ community and Jews.

Congresswoman Omar has been targeted with anti-Muslim smears long before she took the oath of office, including being accused of anti-Semitism and of supporting terrorism and the mutilation of women. After her election last fall, the attacks and scrutiny intensified.

She has apologized in good faith for her comments and wants to listen, learn and build bridges of understanding. Yet, the attacks on her character, the unfair twisting of her words and the threats against her have continued and escalated. Now, she is facing credible death threats, widespread attacks in the media and a congressional resolution condemning her…

….The message to American Muslims is clear: should you dare exercise your constitutional rights to vote, to speak your mind or hold office, you too will be subjected to this treatment: a distortion of your words and then official reprimand — a clear double standard.

Perhaps just as dangerously, if the House adopts this resolution, it will further embolden white nationalist anti-Semitism.  Hate crimes targeting Jewish Americans are at disturbing, record levels. Let’s be clear: perpetrators of these heinous attacks are not inspired by Rep. Omar, but they are carrying out hate crimes like the attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue inspired by the racist, anti-Semitic language of President Trump and white nationalists.

The planned congressional resolution condemning Rep. Omar not only seeks to silence a Muslim member of Congress but also endangers her safety and the safety of all Americans who are targeted by white nationalists.”

The post Muslim Advocates: Any Statement Denouncing Anti-Semitism Endangers the Life of Ilhan Omar appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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