
Rich Kid Malcolm Abbott Defends His College-Bribery-Embroiled Parents — While Smoking a Giant Blunt

- Maret 15, 2019



File this under “Misguided.”

In response to the college bribery scandal (please read much more in my previous article here), the sibling of a student involved has taken to the internet to defend his paying parents.

In an interview with the New York Post, Malcolm Abbott said that, while he didn’t go to college himself, it should be the right of every American:

“I believe everyone has a right to go to college, man.”

This was noted, incidentally, as he smoked a doobie.

Malcolm, popped out of the family’s Fifth Avenue building to smoke a giant blunt — while defending his parents and bragging about his latest CD.

“They’re blowing this whole thing out of proportion,” said Malcolm Abbott outside the home that overlooks the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Malcolm’s parents, Gregory and Marcia, were indicted this week along with almost 50 others for payoffs to get their kiddos into colleges. In the Abbotts’ case, they’re charged with forking over $125,000 to increase their daughter’s ACT and SAT scores.

The under-the-table chunk o’ change raised her ACT results to a 35 out of 36. For the SAT, her math score was boosted to a perfect 800 and literature was raised to 710 out of 800.

Not too shabby.

Mom and dad Abbott are out on $500,000 bail.


Gregory Abbott founded the International Dispensing Corporation.

Malcom raps under the name “Billa.”




Relevant RedState links in this article: here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Avril Lavigne releases a worship song, Lost, and James Woods vs. Dick Durbin.

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