
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! The Gateway Pundit Continues to See Record Numbers DESPITE Constant Attacks (VIDEO)

- Maret 06, 2019


Thank you to all of our readers and supporters!

The Gateway Pundit continues to see record traffic numbers.

The Gateway Pundit had over 240 million page views in 2018.
This was a record number of readers.

This was despite the constant attacks.
The Gateway Pundit is censored, shadow-banned, smeared and hit with viral attacks on a daily basis.

Despite this –AMERICANS WANT THE TRUTH– and continue to flock to our website.

Here is a video we put together on our challenges and our success.


We also had some GREAT SUCCESSES IN 2018.

** The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft testified before Congress on Facebook targeting conservative publishers.
** The Gateway Pundit was a leading voice in exposing the liberal tech giants’ targeting and attacks on conservative publishers.
** The Gateway Pundit continued to break national news stories of significance and provide an alternative voice to the liberal mainstream media.
** The Gateway Pundit co-sponsored the very successful Gateway Eagle Council This year with The Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Forum.

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