A few links with brief comments for your enjoyment as we gear up for the massive cultural misappropriation that will take place tomorrow.
SNL plagiarism?
That’s what a NY comedy pair are claiming. Well when your writers have written about 10 minutes’ worth of genuinely funny sketches in the past 25 years, I guess desperation sets in.
Another good move by Trump on Israel
Losers gonna lose
Stacey Abrams still insists she won the GA gubernatorial election. O’Rourke/Abrams would make a good 2020 ticket. Get a token black woman to offset Beto’s Hispanic white male privileged-ness and they can share that they both lost historic elections as they head into another historic election.
CA loves abortions
The elected officials there are stupid enough I expect this will pass. It amounts to having the phone number of the nearest abortion clinic on students’ ID cards. They might as well take it a step further and include an Uber voucher good for a free round trip to the nearest abortion clinic while they’re at it. Heck, toss in a voucher for the state to cover the abortion too.
Part of why RBG is clinging to her seat?
Of course we know she wants a liberal to appoint her replacement. The current split is helping CJ John “maintain the status quo” Roberts vote with the liberals more and more. If she retired and there was a 5-3 split of the AJs, might Roberts would be more likely to join 6-3 decisions? He loves to make rulings as narrow as possible (which is fine). I expect he would like more 6-3 decisions than 5-4 ones. I wonder how much more conservatively he would have voted over these years were he not the Chief Justice.
Welcome to RedState’s only daily open thread! Enjoy!
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