
Conservative Pundit: Media Refuses To Admit Trump Campaign Was Spied On Because They Were Complicit In Hoax (VIDEO)

- April 14, 2019

Guest post by Michael LaChance at American Lookout.

Mollie Hemingway of the Federalist has been one of the best journalists covering the Russia conspiracy since the beginning. During an appearance on the Laura Ingraham show this week, Hemingway explained why the media can’t admit that the Trump campaign was spied on.

Real Clear Politics has a partial transcript:

LAURA INGRAHAM: The media reaction to barr was what you would expect. Three outlets, particularly burned by the shifting Mueller narrative, were quick to paint the AG’s comments as purely political. CNN’s Manu Raju tweeting: “Barr’s comments here bound to please Trump.” “The Washington Post” Aaron Blake tweeting: “The use of ‘spying’ is obviously a loaded term and one Trump favors.” An MSNBC legal analyst Cynthia Oxney offered this: “I think that is crazy.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: It is interesting if you watch Attorney General Barr, he is so calm, so sober, so evenhanded. He is not saying anything extreme, just stating the facts as they are known, and contrary to what we just heard, there is no dispute about whether there was spying or not. That is a common way to describe what happened. They use multiple human informants. There were wiretaps and other electronic surveillance, there were national security letters. If it were about anything other than the Trump campaign, we would all acknowledge that is spying. That is a good word to use to sum up what was going on there.

The media can’t use that word because they were complicit in this operation in two ways. One, the perpetuated the Russia collusion hoax. They accepted these leaks. They were not critical about them at all. They claimed they had all these bombshells. On one side, they gave into the hoax. On the other hand, they never covered what was troubling about the actions by these federal agents, not just the FBI, but other agencies, to go against domestic political opponents.

That is so spot on.

Watch the video:

The post Conservative Pundit: Media Refuses To Admit Trump Campaign Was Spied On Because They Were Complicit In Hoax (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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