
Donald Trump Jr. Wins the Internet After Thumping ‘Creepy Uncle Joe Biden’ on His Big Michael Avenatti Endorsement

- April 26, 2019

Groper Joe Biden officially entered the race for president of the United States on Thursday.
Biden released his first video this morning.

It wasn’t long before the former Veep secured the coveted endorsement of creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti.

Michael Avenatti was indicted on 36 counts and accused of ripping off a mentally ill paraplegic client earlier this month.

This prompted Donald Trump Jr. to weigh in on the prestigious endorsement.

Don Jr.: Part of me isn’t surprised to see Creepy Porn Lawyer endorse Creepy Uncle Joe for President.

I kind of assumed he would be supporting @BernieSanders, since Bernie wants to give incarcerated criminals the right to vote…Unless maybe @JoeBiden secretly supports that too???

The post Donald Trump Jr. Wins the Internet After Thumping ‘Creepy Uncle Joe Biden’ on His Big Michael Avenatti Endorsement appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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