
Establishment GOP Bans Roger Stone From Campus Speech

- April 05, 2019

After launching attacks on the Florida College Republicans for securing the longtime Trump advisor for their annual convention, the Romney wing of the party celebrated Stone’s removal from the role.

In an odd display of Romney’esque holier-than-thou moralization, two College Republican chapters in the state of Florida lobbied the statewide leadership to remove Roger Stone as their keynote speaker and a reception following their annual convention that was set to raise money for the College Republicans going into 2020.

Calling Stone a “malignancy” that could “infect” young minds, University of Tampa College Republican leader Lindsey Dickerson slammed Trump’s friend of over 40-years in a bizarre post Tuesday evening, according to the Orlando Weekly.

Dickerson apparently missed the past few tweets from President Trump supporting Stone, including a tweet from December of 2018 praising his “guts” in refusing to bear false witness against Trump due to pressure from the now concluded Mueller report. Or the fact that Stone was one of the first, if not the first person to encourage Trump to run President… as early as the 1980’s.

Stone has denied the charges levied against him and vowed to prove his innocence during a trial set to start in Washington, DC on November 5th.

Dickerson refused a request for comment when we attempted to reach her, but is part of a slate of establishment-linked candidates for the Florida College Republican executive board elections this Saturday. Sources have confirmed that the credentials of pro-Trump chapters of the College Republicans are being targeted by an “emergency credentialing process”, spawned by a report submitted to the College Republican National Convention that the previous credentialing process “violated the rules.”

Stone was secured as a speaker by the Florida Federation of College Republicans political director Marshall Polston, who told The Gateway Pundit that he was resigning in protest of the decision and “demented attacks on Mr. Stone by ineffectual Romney lovers.”

“The way that Ms. Dickerson spoke of Roger Stone, a man who helped give us both Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, is very concerning. I honestly thought it was a really late April Fools joke. Unfortunately, it looks like she has come down with a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. President Trump stands with Roger Stone and every sane patriot who loves this country should do the same.”

Polston also said that removing Stone from the roster and a subsequent reception was the type of anti-free speech move that you would expect from “alt-left groups like Antifa”, not College Republicans.

Stone spoke to The Villagers for Trump Club in The Villages, Florida earlier in the week to a packed house of hundreds pro-Trump activists on Monday evening.

The post Establishment GOP Bans Roger Stone From Campus Speech appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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