
Smug Punk Who Threw Water Balloons at Trump Supporters at Grand Rapids Rally Brags He’s Like Malcolm X

- April 05, 2019

In an interview with WZZM-TV outside the courtroom where he pled guilty to throwing two water balloons at Trump supporters attending the president’s campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last week, a smiling unrepentant Robert Dale Truax, Jr., bragged that he is like Malcolm X.

“I mean, people are always going to bring down the negative side of people speaking up and doing something,” he said. “Just like Malcolm X. Some people consider that man a very violent person, but in a way, I do believe he did something right.”

WZZM reported Truax made a YouTube video of his crime.

“Just got done buying some balloons at Dollar Tree because we’re gonna throw some water balloons at some Donald Trump supporters,’’ he says in the 6-½ minute video. “Like you can’t be coming to my block supporting some Donald Trump s—. So you about to get hit.”

With his guilty plea to a misdemeanor charge of creating a disturbance in a public place, Truax faces up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine. He will be sentenced in May.

Video of WZZM report which includes excerpts from Truax’s video:

Note: The water balloon attack by Truax is completely unrelated to a separate incident reported by TGP where a Trump supporter claimed human feces in toilet water was thrown down from a residential building window on people in line for the rally.

The post Smug Punk Who Threw Water Balloons at Trump Supporters at Grand Rapids Rally Brags He’s Like Malcolm X appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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