
This Hilarious 1986 SNL Sketch Absolutely Nails the Left’s Portrayal of Donald Trump

- April 17, 2019



Once eccentric New York billionaire Donald Trump — a favorite media spectacle and rap music’s wealth reference of choice — added an “R” to his name and became a presidential contender, the Left decided he was a wholly different man. In fact, they continuously insisted, he was as great a failure at business as he was a champion of success as Klan leader.

He wasn’t a real estate mogul; to the contrary, he was merely a reality TV star. Snooki from Jersey Shore? Puck from The Real World, Season 1? Donald Trump? All the same.

You don’t want Honey Boo Boo running the country, do you?

But he was much worse than just a joke: He was a fanged, drooling Son of Satan, out to murder all people and destroy all things (here). He was in cahoots with Putin to rule the world, Dr. Evil-style (here). He was a yellow-haired madman who’s puffy coif hid his 666.

Despite the idiocy of the assertion, it’s shown no sign of stopping. It’s absurd; it’s outrageous; and it’s the new school of politics.

And it’s perfectly illustrated by a Saturday Night Live sketch from 1986, lampooning then-President Ronald Reagan.

Reagan was an ol’ softie — he had a grandfatherly demeanor and wrote constant love letters to his wife (For more, get the phenomenal book I Love You, Ronnie; if you want to truly discover the 40th president of the United States, you’ll find him there).

SNL spoofed Reagan in a lighthearted way; it didn’t feel mean. The program’s current political skewering of Trump — by contrast — is so ugly, it’s hard to watch. It’s not so much comedy as rage against the 2016 election.

But I guess they figure that rage is more than justified; after all, we elected Lucifer. And the SNL skit nails what they believe Beelzebub’s doing.




Relevant RedState links in this article: here and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: 

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