
WATCH: Nancy Pelosi’s Startling Hypocrisy Gets Unmasked, & it’s One More Reminder of the Dems’ Trump-Era Shark Jump

- April 20, 2019



You may have caught Sister Toldjah’s recent article highlighting Jerry Nadler’s Mueller report hypocrisy; well, now here’s more, from your favorite world-changer, Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi.


On Thursday, the congresswoman — who believes a wall is an immorality unless it surrounds her own property (here and here) — decried Attorney General Bill Barr offering Trump a “sneak preview” of the Mueller report.

Check out Nance’s tweet:

“AG Barr has confirmed the staggering partisan effort by the Trump Admin to spin public’s view of the #MuellerReport – complete with acknowledgment that the Trump team received a sneak preview. It’s more urgent than ever that Special Counsel Mueller testify before Congress.”

Staggering! Partisan! It’s just sinister all around.

But have no fear, folks: we’ve got the good guys in Washington. Nancy Pelosi is stern and righteous. Because reports should never be released to the President.

And that’s the way it is. Unless it isn’t.

Which is to say, unless it concerns Pelosi’s own party and that stalwart Democratic icon, William Jefferson Clinton.

Hence, in ’98, when Slick Willy was in the hot seat for gettin’ his willies with Monica “If Only” Lewinsky (here), Nancy had the polar opposite conviction.

Check it out, as spoken to Newt Gingrich during a debate over the report-releasing resolution H.R. 525:

“Mr. Speaker, for seven of the eleven years that I have served in Congress, I have served on the Ethics Committee or the ethics task force. It is from that perspective that I have several questions to ask. If indeed what we are talking about here today is the process under which the Starr report will be released, why then have the airwaves been filled with details of the Starr report for the last 36 hours? It has supposedly been under lock and key here. One can only assume the leaks are coming from the independent counsel’s office. My second question is to you, Mr. Speaker: Why would you not afford the President of the United States the same opportunity you were given by the Ethics Committee of having almost a week’s advance notice to review the charges against you, and so that you could have your response be part of the report?”

Nancy Pelosi is stern and righteous; because reports should always be released to the President.

What was that partisan thing she was talkin’ ’bout?

The Democratic Party has jumped the shark. There seems to be no thought of what they’re saying; only whether it sounds good (see here).

But hypocrisy’s gotten harder with the advent of the internet. Imagine how easy it was before.

Nevertheless, ’til the Trump Nightmare is merely a distant memory for Democrats, the boldness of their dishonesty’s unlikely to to go away. And it’s the very reason that neither will Trump; 2020’s lookin’ to be another harvest of sour grapes for d’singenuous D’Alesandro.

Watch the wining video below.



My relevant RedState links in this article: herehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me:

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Find all my RedState work here.

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