
What the World Actually NEEDS: A VA School District Honors HS Graduates Pursuing Blue-Collar Trades

- April 08, 2019



What does the world need? And what are universities supplying?

We’ve got the dumbest among us going to college these days (here, here, and here), and — whereas early-20s skulls full o’ mush were once taught how to think — these days they’re simply being told what to think.

In lieu of intellectual expansion, what, then, is it providing the world? Young men and women versed in Gender Theory?

Whatever happened to education as a refinement of the mind and training for the future?

To be clear, I’m a fan of the 4-year degree — statistically, one will earn $1 million more over a lifetime with that (now) most basic of diplomas.

But again, what does the world actually need? It needs a whole lotta things that colleges don’t create.

The world needs welders. Mechanics. Framers. Firemen. People who provide a direct service from which we can all benefit.

Yet, those pillar-of-the-community positions don’t seem to be getting the respect they once did.

Not true, in Henrico County, Virginia. Public school officials there decided to honor seniors who’ll be taking on jobs and careers immediately after graduation, courtesy of the industry-specific certifications they attained while in high school.

On March 28th, the district held its first-ever “Career and Technical Letter of Intent Signing Day.”

From the official Facebook page:

Henrico Schools’ Career and Technical Education program decided that athletes weren’t the only ones who deserved to have their hard work recognized as they look to the future. Students and representatives of their future employers both signed letters-of-intent outlining what students must do before and during employment, what the employer will provide in pay and training, and an estimate of the position’s value.

And as reported by Today:

For their first signing day, Henrico County recognized 12 seniors as they signed letters of intent to work as machinists or apprentices with local and national companies such as Rolls-Royce in their aeronautical division, paving and construction firm Branscome Incorporated, Tolley Electric Corporation, and Howell’s Heating & Air.

[Mac Beaton, director of Henrico County Public Schools’ Certified and Technical Education program] told TODAY Parents the idea came from an ongoing struggle to show the value of this kind of education and training. “We’re always trying to figure out how to address the skills gap when the general mentality of parents is ‘I want my child to go to college,'” Beaton said.

“One way to do this is to help them see the value of career and technical education,” he said. “When you start talking data that affects parents’ pocketbooks, that gets their attention.”

In Henrico, over 5,000 students earn industry-oriented certificates each year.

Mike Rowe — host of Dirty Jobsspotlighted the students’ signing on his Facebook page, with the following comment:

“This is the way forward. No attempt to close the skills gap will ever succeed until or unless we celebrate those who are willing to learn a skill that’s in demand. This is not just a terrific idea, it’s a model for every other technical school in the country. … Here’s hoping others will follow Henrico’s lead.”

We often hear of insanity at today’s colleges and universities (here, here, here, here, and here). It’s good to be reminded there are young people who aren’t invested in outrage, social justice, and wokeism. Rather, they’re interested in doing what most all people their age once were: earning a living to provide for their future families, and being useful to a society in need.

Way to go, teens. Thank you for what you’re going to do in the world. And way to go, Henrico County.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here, hereherehere, here, here, here, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Teen Vogue’s Guide to Anal Sex, battle royale, and Priscilla Presley in the shower.

Find all my RedState work here.

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