
Why Was a 6th Grader Barred from Choosing Donald Trump as Her Hero for a Report? The Answer is Pathetic

- April 08, 2019



When I was in school, we watched Current Event films. Much of the time, of course, the news reels featured the President of the United States in some capacity. And as the Leader of the Free World, he was paid the highest respect. That’s what we were taught.

When I was in school, things weren’t dumb.

At least, not the way they are now.

Case in point:

A Long Island woman claims her sixth-grade daughter was prohibited from using Donald Trump as her hero for a class assignment.

11-year-old Bella Moscato picked the Commander-in-Chief for the project at Samoset Middle School, but her teacher told her that’s a big fat No.

And why? Because the President “spreads negativity and says bad stuff about women.”

Oh boy.

The hero pick was for a report to be written, and — as Bella explained — “Donald Trump is [her] hero.”

And he has been, for quite a while.

Long Island News 12 reports:

The 45th U.S. president has been Bella’s idol since she was 8 years old, which is why she dressed up as Trump for a third-grade class project.

But her sixth-grade teacher allegedly ordered her to choose someone else.

What the freakin’ heck??

Bella’s mom — Valeria Moscato — ain’t too hip on the nimrodity:

[S]he was outraged when her daughter called her from school about the incident. She says what the teacher did amounts to intimidation and censorship.


Big Daddy’s none too much a fan, as well:

Arthur Moscato, the girl’s father, says he can’t believe someone would tell his daughter that the current U.S. president cannot be her hero.

Dr. Kenneth Graham — superintendent for the Sachem Central School District — issued a statement to Channel 12. He said it never happened:

“It is not accurate that this student was told that they were not allowed to conduct research or report on any individual for a school assignment, including President Trump. To the best of our knowledge, by choice the student is still conducting their project of President Trump.”


The Moscatos want action:

[They] say the superintendent’s statement made matters worse.

“No one should make a child feel that way, and you’re supposed to protect my child,” says Arthur Moscato.

The issue was brought up at a school board meeting Wednesday night, but a board member said they cannot discuss the matter in a public session, but they would look into it.

The Moscatos say they want an apology from the teacher.

Obviously, there’s no way of knowing whether Bella or the Moscatos are telling the truth.

But their story’s easy to believe — because of this, this, thisthis, and a seemingly unending list of other absurdities.

These days, schools have an agenda far outside the three R’s. To a considerable degree, it appears, they’re being staffed by dorks who’re being trained by even bigger dorks in college. Hence, propaganda rather than education.

In a rightful return to the R’s, they need to add one: Respect. For the President, for America, and for the American way of life — one which includes an education system teaching children how to think, not what to think.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: a left-wing lie about women’s rightswhy Bill couldn’t be elected today; and Bye-Bye, Miss America.

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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