
EXCLUSIVE: Deep State Corrupt Couple – Bruce and Nellie Ohr – Caught in Another Lie

- Mei 19, 2019

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Bruce and Nellie Ohr are in the middle of the Deep State’s attempted coup to remove President Trump from office.  They are perhaps Deep State’s most corrupt couple.  We’ve caught them in another lie!

The Ohr’s are in a world of trouble due to their efforts to remove President Trump from office.

Nellie is a key player in the Spygate scandal.  In August of 2018 we posted the ties Nellie Ohr has with the Deep State.  According to Zero Hedge, the head of opposition research firm Fusion GPS admitted in December 2017 in a court filing that his firm paid the wife of a senior Justice Department official to help dig up damaging information on then-candidate Donald Trump.

Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, filed the signed declaration in a D.C. court this week affirming that Nellie Ohr, wife of demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr, was contracted by Fusion through the summer and fall of 2016 “to help our company with its research and analysis of Mr. Trump,” according to the filing. The House Intelligence Committee determined that in November 2016, Simpson met with Bruce Ohr shortly after the election to discuss their findings regarding Russia and Trump. Bruce Ohr lost his senior-level position at the DOJ as associate deputy attorney general after his meetings with Simpson and British spy Christopher Steele, who assembled the Trump-Russia dossier, were discovered.

And why would Fusion GPS hire Nellie Ohr? Aside from the obvious connection to her DOJ husband who was in a position to provide Fusion GPS with information on Trump gathered by US intelligence agencies, Nellie Ohr also represented the CIA’s “Open Source Works” group in a 2010 “expert working group report on international organized crime” along with Bruce Ohr and Glenn Simpson.

The connections between Nellie Ohr and the ‘Spygate’ scandal were hidden at a distance for months.

As noted previously at TGP, Nellie Ohr is a Communist sympathizer connected to Russia as well as a corrupt Never-Trumper.

Author Diana West at the American Spectator posted an article on Nellie Ohr, who they call “the “dossier” spying scandal’s woman in the middle.”

To one side of Ohr, there is the Fusion GPS team, including fellow contractor Christopher Steele. To the other, there is husband Bruce Ohr, who, until his “dossier”-related demotion, was No. 4 man at the Department of Justice, and a key contact there for Steele.

As central as Nellie Ohr’s placement is, her role in the creation of the “dossier” remains undefined. For example, the House Intelligence Committee memo on related matters vaguely tells us that Nellie Ohr was “employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump”; the memo adds that Bruce Ohr “later provided the FBI with all of his wife’s opposition research.” Senator Lindsey Graham more sensationally told Fox News that Nellie Ohr “did the research for Mr. Steele,” but details remain scarce.

What’s more revealing about Nellie Ohr is the men in her life were protecting her and hiding her involvement in the Russia scandal:

Notably, the “dossier” men in her life have tried to shield Ohr from public scrutiny, even at professional risk. Her husband, as the Daily Caller News Foundation reports, failed to disclose his wife’s employment with Fusion GPS and seek the appropriate conflict-of-interest waiver, which may have been an important factor in his demotion from associate deputy attorney general late last year.

Under Senate and House questioning, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson consistently failed to disclose Nellie Ohr’s existence as one of his firm’s paid Russian experts, let alone that he hired her for the red-hot DNC/Clinton campaign Trump-Russia project.

Even Christopher Steele may have tried to keep Nellie Ohr “under cover.” Steele, put forth as the “dossier” author ever since its January 2017 publication in BuzzFeed, does not appear to have let on to his many media and political contacts that he had “dossier”-assistance from at least two fellow Fusion GPS Russian experts, Nellie Ohr and Edward Baumgartner. Baumgartner, interestingly, was a Russian history major at Vassar in the 1990s when Nellie Ohr taught Russian history there.

President Trump’s attorney, former New York City Mayor, Rudy Giuliani outed former Obama CIA Director John Brennan as the man in charge of ‘Spygate’. Rudy claims Brennan orchestrated the ‘Spygate’ scandal and was the quarterback.

The men in Nellie’s life did all they could to prevent Nellie Ohr from being outed for being involved in the dossier because she also has links to the CIA and therefore to Brennan.  If Brennan is outed as the quarterback of the dossier scandal, then by association, so is his boss, former President Obama.

Earlier this month Nellie Ohr was criminally referred to the Justice Department concerning her Congressional testimony! Boom!

A week ago an email from the State Department’s Kathleen Kavalec to Bruce Ohr was uncovered.  This email provided evidence that Obama’s State Department had met with Christopher Steele and immediately emailed Ohr to tell him Steele had lied, he included erroneous evidence in the information he shared, he hated candidate Donald Trump and desperately wanted to get the fraudulent data he had to the press and had already done so as of that date.

In spite of this, the FBI and DOJ requested a warrant to spy on President Trump through a FISA warrant on Carter Page using the bogus data.  Ohr testified that he saw his job as passing information to the FBI and that’s it –

Ohr followed up this claim with more of the same –

But based on an email unearthed by Judicial Watch, Ohr contradicts the above claim.  Ohr states that he a team of individuals met with Kavalec and notes that he hopes they “get something going”.

In response Kavalec records her thanks for Ohr stopping by with his team and shared with Kavalec the work his team was doing.

Ohr was not simply passing information to the FBI. Bruce Ohr was in on it!

Ohr also lies about the person he may have heard of.  Based on the topic the individual was likely Christopher Steele or Glenn Simpson.  Steele had worked with both individuals in the past.

Ohr should have no problem identifying Steele as both him and Nellie know and worked with Steele. Remember Steele is the brain behind the FIFA investigation, which Bruce persecuted.

Also, Glenn Simpson’s wife, Mary Jacoby, founded Main Justice in 2009, a company specializing in paid corruption research and reporting. She has been the Chief Executive at Fusion GPS since 2010. Jacoby also worked as a reporter for organizations such as GIR, and Law Business Research (which purchased Main Justice in 2015). While at Main Justice, she worked with Bruce Ohr and in fact nominated his FIFA investigation for the GIR Anti-Corruption award.

The Ohr’s knew Steele and Simpson well.  They were all corrupt and all in on an attempt to illegally remove the President of the United States from office.

Hat tips D. Manny and the Mechanics of Deception

The post EXCLUSIVE: Deep State Corrupt Couple – Bruce and Nellie Ohr – Caught in Another Lie appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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