
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: “We Build the Wall” Completes First Half Mile of US Border Wall in 4 Days from Private Donations

- Mei 27, 2019

For months the liberal media mocked “We Build the Wall” founder and organizer Brian Kolfage and his plan to use private donations to help build the much-needed security wall between the US and Mexico. Brian raised over $20 million in private donations from over 260,000 individuals to build a border wall on the US southern border.

In January Brian announced the “We Build the Wall” leadership board that includes: Erik Prince, Kris Kobach, Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza, Sheriff David Clarke, former Rep. Tom Tancredo and others.

The “We Build the Wall” team held several rallies this spring to continue fundraising for the project.

This Memorial Day Weekend the “We Build the Wall” organization built their first half mile of border wall near El Paso, Texas.

The Gateway Pundit spoke with Brian Kolfage on Sunday. Brian told us,

“At the beginning everyone said you can’t do this. It’s impossible. You just can’t do this. And I think that just drove us forward even harder to get the project done. That’s what this country is all about, coming together and pooling our resources and getting the job done in a time of crisis. And we are in a crisis.”

Brian, a war veteran and triple amputee added, “We wanted to prove to the American people that in a time of need we can come together like we used to and get things done that are big. And I think we’re at a time where we realize that our government and politicians aren’t representing the people.”

Brian told us about organizing this project, “We threw like 15 people together and we just built an international border wall. So I think this sticks the thumb in everyone’s eye who said we couldn’t do it. They said nasty things about me, about my family, and that we were scammers.  We proved them wrong. And this is just the first segment. From start to finish, from the time we found the property to the time we built the wall was 57 days. 57 days! We got a contractor, we got a plan, and we implemented it over the weekend and got this wall built!”

Brian and former Kansas State Secretary of State Kris Kobach are on the border this weekend as this section of the wall goes up.

The Gateway Pundit asked Brian what he would say to President Trump. Brian told us it’s not his fault the wall is not being built, it’s Congress who is at fault. “Congress says they are on Trump’s team but they don’t get things done. We had our own team andwe got it done.”

Kris Kobach was also proud to share with us the good news, “There were a lot of doubters out there who just could not conceive that a private group was building a border wall, They said harsh things about “We Build the Wall” And we proved them wrong. It is just really really satisfying.”

The section of wall “We Build the Wall” focused on closes a half mile gap that existed for years between the end of the El Paso, Texas border wall  and Mount Cristo Rey.  The gap is across from the Mexican city of Juarez. Currently, the El Paso Sector is the second busiest sector in terms of family apprehensions/UACs this fiscal year. Those categories now make up the majority of Border Patrol apprehensions.

Kobach explained the current wall ends abruptly and then there’s gap for about half a mile between the end of that wall and Mt. Cristo Rey in New Mexico. Mount Cristo Rey sits on the west side of El Paso. Kris said, “The gap is a half mile wide corridor and it’s literally a parking lot on the Mexican side and then you walk five steps and you are in the parking lot on the American side. There’s no barbed wire. There’s not ANY barrier. You just walk from one parking lot to the other.”

In the past, groups over a hundred in size on a typical evening would often come through this particular corridor. And while the border patrol is dealing with all the people down at the bottom of the gap in the flat area the cartels would be sending drugs up on the side of the mountain with no border control interference at all.

The “We Build the Wall” organization focused on this major gap in American security. They closed the gap that allowed the two illegal flows, the flow of illegal
aliens at the bottom and the flow of drugs halfway up to the mountain.

Kris told us, “The Army Corp of Engineers said it was impossible to build the wall here. They looked at the incline that climbs 300 ft over the course of this half mile and they said it cant be built. We proved them wrong.”

Congratulations to Brian Kolfage, Kris Kobach and the entire “We Build the Wall” team.

You can donate to this worthy organization here.


The post EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: “We Build the Wall” Completes First Half Mile of US Border Wall in 4 Days from Private Donations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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