Viktor Orbán adviser Maria Schmidt: Hundreds of Democrat organizations linked to Soros
Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban and George Soros
In the EU elections the party of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán achieved the sensational result of 52%, the best for any party in Europe. On May 25, historian Dr. Maria Schmidt, a close confidante of Orbán, gave a talk to a U.S. travel group hosted by Dr. Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, praising Donald Trump as “a political realist” and Orbán’s “twin brother.”
Dr. Maria Schmidt
Gateway Pundit met with Dr. Schmidt, head of the local Terror House Museum on the Nazi and Soviet terror, who alerted us to this powerful essay she wrote in 2017 about George Soros’ influence in Hungary and the Democratic Party – which we are reprinting here with her permission:
The Gravedigger of the Left
What kind of philanthropist is a serial destroyer of European and Asian currencies, who wiped out the savings, retirement pensions and salaries of masses of ordinary citizens in order to reap huge profits for himself?
“The recipe is a simple one. Identify a business target worth acquiring. Send your NGOs onto the spot destabilize the region, arrange for the necessary media tailwind, create chaos, and as soon as that is done become the one who organizes help for reconstruction while cherry-picking the most profitable business opportunities. Pull down the borders that are undue obstacles to your movements. Dismantle national sovereignty to avoid obstacles in your designs from the interests of the local population. Buy off the experts with money, scholarships, awards, fame, recognition or personal promotion, depending on their propensities. Prevent their affiliations from being detected or their incompetence from being revealed, as happened when the data on global warming turned out to have been doctored for the second time. Buy off the local media TV and radio stations, dailies, weeklies, as well as web magazines. Label them as independent outlets and remunerate them properly to have them work for the purposes you set for them. Reward them and promote them too. You can identify the media outlets that are stuffed with Soros money in Hungary and internationally by their habit of following the Leninist tactics of personal attacks. They never challenge causes, statements, suggestions, which would be too tiresome both for themselves and for the public. They prefer intimidating individuals or, if that doesn’t suffice, annihilating them. Their activists and journalists are experts in character assassination.”
“In order to be able to buy off the Left, and by the way liberalism as well it was indispensable to buy the Democratic Party in the United States, a fact considered indisputable even by the writers of Saturday Night Live, who describe Soros as “the owner of the Democratic Party”. A milestone in acquiring the Democratic Party was the adoption of the McCain-Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, which excluded from campaign financing those large entities like trade unions that had been the main traditional supporters of the Democratic Party. Republicans were much less concerned by that legislation because they had always relied first of all on the support of wealthy private individuals. This is how organizations set up by Soros and specializing in campaign fundraising and organizing became vital for the Democratic Party. They include, founded in 1998, or Courage Campaign set up in California in 2005, or again the Center for American Progress (CAP), an organisation set up in 2003, whose founder and first president was John Podesta, who later became the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Today there are hundreds of organizations performing organiszational fund-raising or political functions around the Democratic Party that can be traced back to George Soros.”
Read the rest here.
The post Hungarian Researcher Documents Hundreds of Democrat Organizations Linked to Soros appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.