
Journalist Sharyl Attkisson Goes Off on Tech Giant Authoritarians Who Control Speech and Decide What Is Best for You

- Mei 05, 2019


In August 2018 Facebook permanently banned Infowars for unspecified “hate speech.”

The tech giants, including Facebook, Twitter, Google-YouTube and Wikipedia have all stepped up their harassment of conservative publishers since the 2016 election.

Conservative television host, writer and popular YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson reported at the time.

Paul Joseph Watson works for Infowars and has been employed by Alex Jones for several years.

On Thursday Paul Joseph Watson was banned from Facebook for being associated with Infowars and Alex Jones.

Paul Joseph Watson has NEVER broken Facebook rules… But he associates with Alex Jones.

Facebook is now banning anyone who links to an Infowars story or has shared too many stories from the conservative Infowars page.

The liberals and authoritarians in Silicon Valley now have more power than most countries. And they are using that power to control what you read, hear and see. They are using their power to ban conservatives, eliminate conservative content and even ban photos of from your accounts of people they don’t like.

On Friday night investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson tweeted about the tech tyrant threat to America.

Attkisson: When did we decide, as Americans, that it’s ok fo govt & 3d parties to censor/ curate our info? That we cannot be trusted with unfiltered info? That we shd only be able to find info that *they* tell us is true on matters that are opinion or in legitimate dispute? When did we quit teaching/understanding that free speech means protecting the distasteful, lest we open the door for govt/3d parties to decide that whatever they oppose is “distasteful” and therefore to be banned? #SlipperySlope

Look for Sharyl to be banned by Twitter, Facebook and eliminated by Google any day now.

The post Journalist Sharyl Attkisson Goes Off on Tech Giant Authoritarians Who Control Speech and Decide What Is Best for You appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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