
Roger Stone Asks for Evidence Russians Hacked DNC Server – Court Won’t Provide It Because They Don’t Have the Proof

- Mei 12, 2019

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Roger Stone is requesting proof that the Russians hacked tehe DNC server, as was reported in the Mueller report.  He claims if the Russians didn’t hack the DNC, his case should be dismissed.  The problem for the Mueller team is that they and the FBI have never reportedly actually looked at the server.

Roger Stone and his legal team are requesting the report from Crowdstrike, the firm connected with the Deep State who reportedly did inspect the DNC server after emails were released by WikiLeaks.

Their position is that if the Mueller team did not inspect the server, or the FBI, then how can they know that the server was hacked. This logical argument makes sense –

The Mueller team is fighting back against the Stone team and arguing that it is not necessary to see the documents that support that Russia hacked the DNC –

We’ve been saying for months that the entire Russia collusion delusion is a sham.  To date there has been no information reported that ascertains that the DNC was hacked by the Russians.  No reports to date show that the DNC server was inspected by the Mueller team and the FBI.  Since this is the case, there is no way the Mueller team can claim the server was hacked.

More people believe that the DNC has emails stolen by an insider and this is how the DNC emails reached WikiLeaks.  The WikiLeaks team has stated numerous times that Russians did not provide them the DNC emails.

Since there is no proof for the emails being hacked, the reports Russians involved in the collusion delusion evaporate.  This would and should destroy the entire Russian sham make-believe case.

The major problem Stone has with his case is that his judge is the corrupt Obama appointed  Judge Amy Berman Jackson.  As we reported a couple of days ago, the judge overseeing the Roger Stone case, Amy Berman Jackson, has demanded that she see the entire unredacted Mueller sham report in order to oversee Stone’s case. Judge Jackson is a corrupt Obama appointee who will go to any length to stop a conservative from receiving justice.

Sadly, Judge Jackson has a horrible far left record on the bench. In 2013 Judge Jackson rejected arguments from the Catholic Church that Obamacare’s requirements that employers provide cost free coverage of contraceptive services in spite of being contrary to their religious beliefs. This was overturned by the Supreme Court.

In 2017 Judge Jackson dismissed the wrongful death suit against Hillary Clinton filed by two of the families who lost loved ones in Benghazi. The families argued that Clinton had done little to help their sons and then lied to cover it up.

Then on January 19, 2018, Paul Manafort’s case was reassigned to Judge Jackson on January 19th, a few weeks after being filed.

No individual who disagrees with Obama will receive justice in Judge Jackson’s court.

Judge Jackson was next somehow assigned to the Roger Stone case. She also placed a gag order on Stone as she did Manafort, preventing him from defending himself in the public square while Jackson’s colleagues in the media and at the Mueller team defame Stone daily.

Judge Jackson ordered that she should see sections of the Mueller report related to Roger Stone –

A federal judge in Washington on Thursday ordered the Justice Department to turn over any unredacted sections of Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s report on Russian activities during the 2016 presidential campaign that relate to longtime Republican political operative Roger Stone.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson gave federal prosecutors until Monday to “submit unredacted versions of those portions of the report that relate to defendant Stone and/or ‘the dissemination of hacked materials.'” Jackson said she would review the material in private to see if it is relevant to the case and to decide whether Stone and his defense team will have access to the material, likely under strict supervision.

Roger Stone will have to wait until corrupt judge Jackson looks at the unredacted Mueller report and determine whether he is allowed to see it! This is unbelievable!!!

Mueller, Weissmann and Judge Amy Berman Jackson should be thrown in jail for their blatant abuse of the US judicial system in torturing and destroying the lives of those who worked with President Trump all based on a pile of lies. Americans want justice!

The post Roger Stone Asks for Evidence Russians Hacked DNC Server – Court Won’t Provide It Because They Don’t Have the Proof appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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