
Sarah Sanders on ‘Meet the Press’: Trump Agrees with Kim Jong-un’s Characterization of Joe ‘Fool of Low IQ’ Biden

- Mei 27, 2019

[Screenshot from NBC News, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGF0uu_d09s]


On Meet the Press Sunday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed Donald Trump’s endorsement of a North Korean attack on Joe Biden.

On May 21st, Kim Jong-un came down on Huggy Joe with a bevy of hilarious insults. For the whole kit and caboodle, see my coverage here.

But for a taste, here are two:

  • Joe’s a “fool of low IQ.”
  • He’s an “imbecile bereft of elementary quality as a human being.”

During a four-day trip to Japan, Trump tweeted that he was fine with Kim’s pounce. In fact, calling the former vice president a “low IQ individual” made The Donald smile:

Host Chuck Todd asked:

“Can you explain why Americans should not be concerned that the President of the United States is essentially siding with a murderous authoritarian dictator over a former vice president in the United States?”

Sarah doubled down:

“Chuck, the President’s not siding with that. But I think they agree in their assessment of former Vice President Joe Biden.”

The host pushed:

“The President of the United States takes the North Korean dictator’s word about Joe Biden? What happened to speaking with one voice in American foreign policy? Is the President not setting up trying to have world leaders sort of pick which political party they should side with? I don’t understand what message the president is sending here.”

Sarah pointed out the fact that Trump “doesn’t need somebody else to give him” an evaluation of Biden. “He’s given his own assessment a number of times — I think you’ve seen it, I’m sure you’ve covered it on your program.”

With regard to the Obama/Biden team’s two-term performance, the press secretary summed it up this way:

“We shouldn’t even be in the position that we’re in to have to deal with North Korea at the level we are, if they had done their job in the first place.”



Relevant RedState links in this article: here.

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