
WATCH: Lindsay Graham Drops F-Bomb on Live TV

- Mei 02, 2019

Lindsey Graham by Gage Skidmore, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) was pulling no punches and didn’t care who was watching when he was quoting President Donald Trump’s enemies while on live television, resulting in a nationally aired F-bomb by the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Graham was quoting former FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Stzrok during a text exchange between them during a hearing with Attorney General William Barr.

“‘Just went to the southern Virginia Walmart, I could smell the Trump support,’” Graham read. “October the 19th, 2016: ‘Trump is a f*cking idiot, he’s unable to provide a coherent answer.’”

Unlike the USA Today video, Graham’s words were not bleeped out.

“Sorry to the kids out there,” Graham added.

He continued on.

“These are the people that made a decision that (Hillary) Clinton didn’t do anything wrong, and that counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign was warranted. We’re going to, in a bipartisan way, I hope, deal with Russia, but when the Mueller report is put to bed — and it soon will be — this committee is going to look long and hard at how this all started.”

F-bombs aside, now that the entire plan to shame and oust Trump through the Mueller investigation has flopped, the tables will likely turn with Republicans pursuing leads all the live long day. However, unlike the Democrat’s witch hunt, we can expect to see some of these leads flesh out real wrongdoing.

The post WATCH: Lindsay Graham Drops F-Bomb on Live TV appeared first on RedState.


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