
BOOM! Hannity Asks Trump About Italy, UK, Australia Officials Spying on his Campaign, Trump adds, “And Ukraine” (VIDEO)

- Juni 19, 2019

President Donald Trump joined Sean Hannity on Wednesday night following his historic relaunch campaign rally in Orlando, Florida on Tuesday night.

During their conversation Trump touched on several topics including the Democrat Party harassment of Hope Hicks and the ongoing Russia collusion witch hunt.

President Trump also dropped this bomb…

Sean Hannity: One good question I want answered is did Italy, did Great Britain, did Australia, were they outsourced intelligence gathering, high ranking people, not rank and file, to spy on American citizens and circumvent American laws?

President Trump: And Ukraine! Take a look at Ukraine! How come the FBI didn’t take the server. Podesta told them to get out. So how come the FBI didn’t take the server from the DNC?

Via Hannity:

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