
Diversity Is Great! London Acid Attack Caught on Video in Broad Daylight (VIDEO)

- Juni 22, 2019

Diversity is great!
2017 was the worst year for acid attacks in London so far.

In 2012 there were 77 reported acid attacks.
In 2017 there were 465 reported acid attacks.

Acid attacks are particularly common in south Asia.

This week an acid attack was captured on video on the street in London.

The victims were sitting in their car when the perpetrators ran up and dumped acid in through the windows.

Local citizens help the victims by pouring water on their skin.

Acid attacks were unheard of in London just a few short years ago.
What changed?

Via Katie Hopkins and motorcycletheft:

The post Diversity Is Great! London Acid Attack Caught on Video in Broad Daylight (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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