
Kooks on the Loose: TIME Magazine Assures Its Readers the Spoof Video Trump Tweeted Out today Is NOT A Real TIME Magazine Cover Video

- Juni 21, 2019

Earlier today meme experts Carpe Donktum released their latest video spoofing a 2018 TIME magazine article on the Trump movement in America.

It is so good President Trump tweeted it out!

The video was a play on this October 22, 2018 TIME magazine cover.

TIME magazine reassured its readers today that their cover video had been “doctored” by Carpe Donktum — It wasn’t a REAL TIME Magazine cover!

This is more proof the American left has lost its mind and sense of humor.

These people are sick and need help.

The post Kooks on the Loose: TIME Magazine Assures Its Readers the Spoof Video Trump Tweeted Out today Is NOT A Real TIME Magazine Cover Video appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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