
‘Maybe They Should Dine at Home’ – Owner of Eatery That Kicked Out Sarah Sanders Responds to Eric Trump Getting Spat On

- Juni 30, 2019



Last July, I covered the reopening of Lexington’s Red Hen restaurant, which kicked out Sarah Huckabee Sanders and stirred up a bunch of political dust and protest (here).

Well, the Hen’s laid another egg.

Bock bock BOCKA!

The joint’s owner — Stephanie Wilkinson — has come to the defense of a Chicago cocktail waitress who recently spat on Eric Trump. Stephanie has a message for Trumpers: If you don’t wanna be assaulted, don’t go out to eat.


In a Washington Post op-ed Saturday, Stephanie started off okay:

“[N]o one in the [restaurant] industry condones the physical assault of a patron.”

Well, don’t say “no one.”

Her position promptly hugged a sharp curve and ended up here:

The rules have shifted. It’s no longer okay to serve sea bass from overfished waters or to allow smoking at the table. It’s not okay to look away from the abusive chef in the kitchen or the handsy guest in the dining room. And it’s not okay to ask employees, partners or management to clock out of their consciences when they clock in to work,” Wilkinson writes.

The high-profile clashes rarely involve one citizen fussing at another over the entrees. It’s more often a frustrated person (some of whom are restaurant employees) lashing out at the representatives of an administration that has made its name trashing norms and breaking backs. Not surprising, if you think about it: You can’t call people your enemies by day and expect hospitality from them in the evening.


Here’s the exclamation point. As a bonus, Stephanie managed to work in that favorite emotional left-wing label put upon any given conservative principle or group — hate. Strange to accuse someone of such, given her message and behavior toward Sarah. Oh, well; feast your eyes:

So when the day comes that the world feels returned to its normal axis, I expect we’ll see fewer highly charged encounters making headlines. In the meantime, the new rules apply. If you’re directly complicit in spreading hate or perpetuating suffering, maybe you should consider dining at home.

So there ya go: If you’re conservative or a Republican, stick with Chef Boyardee. Otherwise, you’re liable to (rightfully) get slobber in your sauce.

How fowl.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here.

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The post ‘Maybe They Should Dine at Home’ – Owner of Eatery That Kicked Out Sarah Sanders Responds to Eric Trump Getting Spat On appeared first on RedState.


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