
Police Report: Wisconsin Man Murdered His 5-Year-Old Son for Eating His Father’s Day Cake

- Juni 27, 2019

[Screenshot from Fox6 News, https://twitter.com/fox6now/status/1144280302216450051]


On Saturday, June 22nd in Wisconsin, a man punched and killed his 5-year-old son because the little boy ate his Father’s Day cake.

Allegedly, of course, as is the case with all details of the incident described below.

Imagine how hard you’d have to punch someone to kill them.

How in the world could there exist a person remotely willing to strike a child with such force, much less desirous to do so?

And who decided that person deserved a cake??

29-year-old Travis Stackhouse initially denied the assault, blaming it on the kid having fallen down the stairs. But after one of his other 4 children ratted him out, he told law enforcement he was upset Friday because “others were eating” his Father’s Day cake.

He’d only had one piece himself.

Subsequently, he punched the little boy in the stomach and hit him in the face.

According to a criminal complaint acquired by Milwaukee’s Fox6, the child suffered bruising to both his eyes, a cut to his lip, and a laceration on his sternum.

Travis is a stay-at-home (-and-murder) dad; his girlfriend brings home the bacon.

As reported, he went out with friends after delivering death blows to his 5-year-old. When he returned home, his girlfriend was on the phone with 911 because something was wrong with the little boy.

The young and helpless child was pronounced deceased at the scene.

Travis admitted his girlfriend had “often warned him not to hit the children so hard.”

A better warning would’ve been, “Don’t ever hit the children at all.”

I can think of some more explicit warnings, too.

Will justice be served in this case? Certainly not. Justice is impossible where it concerns the murder of an innocent. Vengeance, however, may be attempted by the state.

If you’re reading this and you’re also “Travis Stackhouse,” I hope you’re out in the world doing some great things. Y’all’ve got some work to do to elevate the name. There’s also this guy:

In the meantime, may the greatest degree of justice possible be wrought upon any man who hurts a child.



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