
What is Wrong with Jerry Nadler? Nadler Repeatedly Refers to Hope Hicks as “Ms. Lewandowski” During Face-to-Face Interview with Hicks

- Juni 20, 2019

Rep. Jerrold Nadler

What is wrong with Jerry Nadler?

The Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee on Thursday released transcript of their closed-door interview with former White House Comms Director Hope Hicks.

Hope Hicks arrived on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning to testify to the House Judiciary Committee after Chairman Nadler issued her a subpoena to compel testimony.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, 72, repeatedly referred to Hope Hicks as “Ms. Lewandowski” during the face-to-face interview.

“Ms. Lewandowski — sorry — Ms. Hicks, read the next two sentences also if you have it,” Nadler said.

Nadler referred to Hope Hicks as “Ms. Lewandowski” again and Hicks had to correct him.

“Yeah, Ms. Lewandowski, I think, in reading this –” Nadler said. “My name is Ms. Hicks,” Hope said correcting Nadler again.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Hicks. I’m preoccupied,” Nadler responded.

A couple weeks ago Jerry Nadler passed out at a presser with New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and was rushed to a hospital in an ambulance.

According to reports, Nadler, who just turned 72 years old, was unresponsive for about a minute and slumped over in his chair.

Now Nadler can’t remember Hope Hicks’ name during a face-to-face interview with her — what is wrong with Nadler?

The post What is Wrong with Jerry Nadler? Nadler Repeatedly Refers to Hope Hicks as “Ms. Lewandowski” During Face-to-Face Interview with Hicks appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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