As covered Saturday by RedState’s Bonchie, in 2016, Rashida Tlaib went “absolutely insane” at a Trump event.
See for yourself:
My god! Tlaib back in 2016.
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) July 20, 2019
The member of Congress’s left-wing Freshmen Fab Four was physically ousted as the soon-to-be President outlined his economic policy at the Detroit Economic Club. While getting the boot, she shouted, “You guys are crazy!”
Here’s more. This is who Michigan elected to make its laws:
Democrat Rashida Tlaib exploded at then-candidate Donald Trump as he gave his economic policy speech on 08/08/2016 at the Detroit Economic Club
Notice how Trump is calm and does not agitate the situation as Tlaib has a public meltdown and has to be physically removed by security
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) July 21, 2019
The video of Rashida’s removed went viral over the weekend, prompting some to give her the ol’ high-five:
She is a great woman.
— Suheyla Topuz
(@SuheylaTopuz) July 21, 2019
But if she grabbed someone by the pu$$y and locked a baby in a cage these fine Christians would be fine with it.
— Kayla House of Antifa (@RealKaylaJames) July 21, 2019
This makes me love her more. Thank you for sharing.
Boxer the Cat
(@angryprog) July 21, 2019
She's a future leader. I look forward to donating to her campaign(s).
— Über Dork (@anglesnachez) July 21, 2019
I’m going to bet she had a damned good reason to protest something awful!
Go, girl! Love Rashida.
Samantha #NoWarWithIran Blackmare
(@Blackmare00) July 21, 2019
One user fought the power of due process (unlike Al Franken Monday — here):
Gentle reminder the conservatives put two sexual predators on the Supreme court. That's insane.
Also she's talking truth to power I don't know anything more American then that. She's a badass.
— Jay Davies, One Of The Squad (@Jaymjd30) July 21, 2019
But, of course, some just thought she was a nut:
She is motivated by prejudice, hate and just plain lunacy.
— Justified by Him (@cynthiagault) July 21, 2019
Entirely unhinged and classless. As if that wasn’t already obvious.
— Carla Burlando (@CarlaBurlando) July 21, 2019
What a shame! Even more worrisome is that we have people who elected such person for Congress. Are we heading towards 3rd world politics or perhaps worse. No civility, just hatred & radicalism!
— PKR (@ParmitRandhawa1) July 21, 2019
@CNN @FoxNews @GOP @HouseDemocrats @SenateDems @SenateGOP @OANN Very sad we have these people in Congress representing America. A true disgrace. She needs to apologize and resign.
— rdtran (@rdtran1) July 22, 2019
But what’s the Commander-in-Chief’s #1-tweeting offspring think about the spectacle? Twitter gunslinger Don. Jr. responded Sunday, with a comment on “crazy deplorables” and patriotic Americans who don’t judge people by the color of their skin:
Crooked called us “Deplorables.” Tlaib calls us “Crazy.” In reality we just love our country, want every American—no matter their race, religion or socioeconomic status—to have a safe & prosperous life & expect our leaders to put America First. It’s simple
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) July 21, 2019
Jr. has a knack for sharp quips comprised of less than 280 characters — see for yourself:
Don Jr. Makes A Fool Of MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, Turns The Tables On Yet Another Absurd Accusation
Don Jr. Just Called Newsweek ‘A Piece Of’ This Bodily Function – 2 Guesses
And for a clip of a wild woman acting batty, set the above video to Loop.
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