
Kanye West Professes His ‘Radical Obedience’ to Jesus Christ

- Juli 12, 2019

FILE – In this Aug. 28, 2016, file photo. Kanye West appears at the MTV Video Music Awards at Madison Square Garden in New York. West responded to critical tweets from his former protege Kid Cudi by telling the fellow rapper never to mention him during a show in Tampa, Fla., on Sept, 14, 2016. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, File)



This may come as a surprise to some of you. It certainly did to me.

In an interview for the August issue of Forbes, rapper Kanye West opened up about how his mental health was saved by his faith in — and “radical obedience” to — Jesus Christ:

Rewind to three years ago, when West claimed to be $53 million in debt, just before canceling the back of a lucrative arena tour and checking into a Los Angeles hospital for over a week with symptoms of sleep deprivation and temporary psychosis. West credits his turnaround to religious beliefs (“being in service to Christ, the radical obedience”) —and, on occasion, to being bipolar. Call him creative, call him chaotic—just don’t call him crazy. Like some entrepreneurs with conditions like ADHD and Asperger’s, he sees his diagnosis not as a hindrance but as a “superpower” that unlocks his imagination.

Kanye is…well…an unusual kind of fella. A while back, he tweeted to Mark Zuckerberg while $53 million in debt. The occasion: a request for $1 billion to fund his artistic endeavors.

Hey! I’d like one of those, too. I’ve been wantin’ to make something with poster board, Elmer’s, pipe cleaner, and glitter. $1 bil should do nicely.

Kanye’s been publicly sporting a Christian faith for quite some time. And recently, he’s created Sunday Service events consisting of gospel music for the sake of a “healing experience.”

Anticipating the rapper’s Service at Coachella in April, Wife Kim spoke to Elle:

“[T]his will be my first time ever going to Coachella, and I’m so excited to be a part of it for the first time. And [the church], it’s honestly more like a healing experience for my husband. It’s just music; there’s no sermon. It’s definitely something he believes in—Jesus—and there’s a Christian vibe. But there’s no preaching. It’s just a very spiritual Christian experience.”

From The Daily Wire:

Following the success of the song “Jesus Walks,” Kanye has maintained he believes in God and Jesus Christ. In 2014, while performing at a show in Australia, he proclaimed himself to be a “married, Christian man.”

“I’m not judging but I’m just going to tell you who I am. I’m a married, Christian man,” he told the crowd.

My gosh — he’s the far Left’s worse nightmare: a famous black artist who loves President Trump and — say it ain’t so — this:




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