Nine days ago on August 3rd the most notorious prisoner in the US prison system committed “suicide.”
Jeffrey Epstein was 66 at the time of his death.
Epstein was the highest profile prisoner in the US prison system.
On Tuesday the autopsy revealed Epstein suffered broken bones in his neck common in homicide by strangulation.
Since his death we have learned a number of things that make you question this man’s death.
Here is a Complete List of Inconsistencies in Prison Policy Surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s Death:
** Epstein said he was considering cooperating in “naming names” in his international sex ring
** He was found unconscious in his prison cell just three weeks earlier
** Two days prior to his death documents released for the first time implicated several top Democrats in his pedo sex ring
** He was taken off suicide watch after a failed attempt just two weeks earlier
** He was in isolation (unusual for a suicidal individual)
** The cameras malfunctioned — There is no video
** Even Mexico had video of El Chapo’s escape from prison
** Then later we hear the cameras showed the guards did not do rounds? Which is it?
** The prison guards had worked several extra shifts last week
** One prison guard on his floor was not even a certified guard
** The prison guards “forgot” to check on Epstein
** The prison guards slept through their shift
** The guards did not check Epstein for several hours
** There were reports of screaming the morning Epstein died
** The MCC had not seen a successful suicide in 40 years
** Epstein said he was the victim of attempted murder three weeks ago
** Epstein’s former roommate is facing mass murder charges
** Epstein had dirt on numerous globalist elites
** Epstein was not given paper sheets
** Epstein had sheets in his cell to hang himself
** Epstein was not suicidal according to medical professionals
** Epstein told his lawyers on Friday, a day before his death, “See you Sunday.”
** Epstein’s former roommate heard nothing
** Epstein reportedly had to get on his knees to hang himself from his bed
** Epstein autopsy showed broken bones in neck common in strangulation deaths
This prison obviously suffered a breakdown in official policy.
After Jeffrey Epstein’s death a former high profile prisoner at the MCC told New York Post reporters Brad Hamilton and Bruce Golding there was no way Epstein could have killed himself in his prison cell.
The New York Post reported:
There’s no way that man could have killed himself. I’ve done too much time in those units. It’s an impossibility.
Between the floor and the ceiling is like 8 or 9 feet. There’s no way for you to connect to anything.
You have sheets, but they’re paper level, not strong enough. He was 200 pounds — it would never happen.
When you’re on suicide watch, they put you in this white smock, a straitjacket. They know a person cannot be injurious to themselves.
The clothing they give you is a jump-in uniform. Everything is a dark brown color.
Could he have done it from the bed? No sir. There’s a steel frame, but you can’t move it. There’s no light fixture. There’s no bars.
They don’t give you enough in there that could successfully create an instrument of death. You want to write a letter, they give you rubber pens and maybe once a week a piece of paper.
Nothing hard or made of metal.
There’s up to 80 people there. They could put two in cell. It’s one or two, but I’ll never believe this guy had a cellmate. He was too blown up.
The damage that unit can do to someone.
It’s like you’re an animal and you’ve been brought into a kennel. A guy like Jeffrey, it’s like, “Holy sh-t.”
I told my parents not to come there. God wasn’t in the building.
The post Former MCC Inmate: No Way Jeffrey Epstein Coul Have Killed Himself appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.