
Bock Bock, Beto Lays Another Egg: In America, You Can Murder Transgendered Non-Whites ‘with Impunity’

- September 23, 2019

Beto O'Rourke

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke speaks at the Iowa Federation of Labor convention, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2019, in Altoona, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)



In what appears to be his lunge for obscurity, Beto does it again.

On Saturday, the 2020 hopeful — whose campaign’ll do well to make it ’til my fettuccini alfredo finishes heating in the microwave — made a startling claim: in America, murder is permissible — so long as the victim isn’t cisgender and is definitely not white.

Beto made the claim in Iowa, where he insisted he’s nowhere near too far Left.

O’Rourke was talking about fear. And for some reason, it appears, he believes those who’ll break the law against mass murder would never dare bend a rule on gun purchases.

And what kind of man do we want leading us? One who’d be “afraid” if he taught 5-year-olds:

“I would be afraid if I were a schoolteacher in a kindergarten classroom, and those kids for whom I had already sacrificed so much were up against a gunman with an AR-15 because we didn’t have the courage to stop them while we still had time.”

See? Easy peasy — make a law about guns, and presto: murderers can’t do nothin’.

He’s also under the impression that immigrants get deported. And like it’s the rapture:

“I would be afraid if I were the son of an immigrant who went to work early this morning and never came back, detained and deported back to a country he had not seen for 20 years.”

He seems to have gotten the word “immigrant” confused with someone who comes into the country by means other than immigration.

But perhaps his scariest statement was about legal murder.

Additionally, he evidently subscribes to the racial breakdown of the segregated 1940’s: There are only two races — white and non-white.

Hit it, George Wallace:

“I would be afraid if I was a trans woman of color, who could be killed with complete impunity in this country right now with no one to follow up or investigate.”

Bold claim. What if an AR-15 was involved?

He didn’t say, but Beto seems to be turning the end of a campaign into performance art. I admire his dedication to saying things that are in no way accurate and make absolutely no sense (see so much more here).

Hence, we may find that — before the next debate-O — the election gets de-Beto’d.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here.

See 3 more pieces from me:

Candace Owens Eviscerates White Dems Lecturing Her On White Supremacy – ‘I’ve Been Black In America My Whole Life’

A Woman Packing A Glock Confronts Beto Over His ‘Evil’ Confiscation Plan: ‘Hell No, You’re Not!’ (Video)

Think You’ve Heard The Stupidest Thing Ever? I Disagree. Witness The Woke’s New Condemnation Of IKEA

Find all my RedState work here.

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