
Border Patrol Catches Child Sex Offender and MS-13 Gang Member Illegally Re-Entering US

- September 21, 2019

The US Border Patrol captured a previously deported MS-13 gang member and a child sex offender illegally re-entering the United States from Mexico this week.

Jesus Contreras-Covarrubias is a convicted child sex offender.

Border Patrol also captured an unnamed MS-13 gang member.

Democrats want open borders.

US Customs and Border Protection reported:

U.S. Border Patrol agents in Eagle Pass arrested a convicted sex offender and a confirmed MS-13 gang member this week.

“Agents are making significant criminal arrests along the border and we’ll seek prosecution of these individuals accordingly,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz. “U.S. Border Patrol agents remain vigilant and committed to safeguarding our communities.”

Agents apprehended Jesus Contreras-Covarrubias, 55, a citizen of Mexico, after he entered the United States illegally. During processing, records checks revealed that he was convicted in 1992 of felony sexual abuse, in Polk County, Oregon.

As a convicted felon, he faces a charge of 8 USC § 1326 – re-entry after deportation, which carries a maximum sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

Agents also apprehended a previously deported confirmed MS-13 gang member, a national of El Salvador, shortly after he entered the United States illegally. He will be charged with 8 USC § 1325 – unlawful entry, and his prior order of removal will be reinstated.

The post Border Patrol Catches Child Sex Offender and MS-13 Gang Member Illegally Re-Entering US appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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