
CHARGES DROPPED For Man Who Fled Antifa Attack In Truck

- September 18, 2019

District Attorneys in Clark County, Washington, have finally dropped charges against Billy Wilson, the man who was attacked not once, but twice by masked antifa terrorists while he attempted to attend a patriotic event in Vancouver, WA, over two years ago.

While shouting “GET HIM,” the terrorists pelted his truck with rocks and bottles, causing $7000 in damage, Wilson twice tried to get away, and was finally forced to hit the gas when he was caught in traffic while waiting at a stop light. Wilson’s attorney, Angus Lee, tells The Gateway Pundit that Wilson was even hit in the face with debris.

Police quickly took Wilson into custody after he drove through the red light. The antifa terrorists once again converged on Wilson and his truck, and several officers formed a barrier and ordered the terrorists to stay back.

Wilson’s crime? He had American flags on his truck. That was enough to trigger the terrorists and cause them to attack Wilson.

Huff Po’s was among the many attempts made by the far left media to mischaracterize and slander Wilson, with her headline “Man Accused Of Trying To Mow Down Antifa With Truck Claims It Was A Misunderstanding” and her story comparing Wilson to the Charlottesville massacar.

Fueled by the fake news media complex, far left activists used online petitions to pressure authorities into charging Wilson with crimes One read “Don’t let white supremacist Billy Wilson off the hook in Vancouver, WA” and another was “Charge Billy Wilson of Vancouver, WA with Attempted Vehicular Homicide” on change.org, where several activists refer to Wilson as a “danger to the public” and wanted Wilson held accountable for apparently not wanting a hoard of rioters to vandalize his truck and assault him. They openly encouraged people to email Clark County chief prosecutor Tony Golik at his DA’s email, tony.golik@clark.wa.gov .

A year and a half after the incident, in January of 2019, Golik filed charges. Not against the antifa terrorists who perpetrated the attack, but against Wilson for escaping the violence. Golik was charging Wilson with two counts of reckless driving and two counts of reckless endangerment. Wilson was facing up to four years in jail and $20,000 in fines, on top of the damage done to his own vehicle.

Patriot Prayer’s Joey Gibson put together this compilation and narrative video about the event in question:


After months of stalled deliberations and trial delays, deputy DA Josh Smith has now dropped all charges against Wilson, citing that the “victims” are not willing to testify.

Lee says that they conducted a thorough investigation for Wilson’s defense, including enlisting a video forensics expert who wrote a 52 page report after reviewing 31 videos, most all of which were helpful to the defense, not the prosecution. Lee explains that due to the sun and the shadows cast, in some video angles it looks like Wilson’s truck was closer to protesters than what it actually was. Of course the mainstream media only showed the video angles that painted Wilson in the worst light.

When Lee gave notice to the courts that Wilson intended to claim self defense, prosecutors filed a motion to bar Lee and Wilson from arguing that in court. Fortunately, the judge did not grant that motion and Wilson would have been allowed to cite self defense had the case gone to trial.

After being dragged through a 9 month ordeal, Wilson is finally a free man again.

No charges were ever filed against the antifa terrorists who instigating the altercation.

The post CHARGES DROPPED For Man Who Fled Antifa Attack In Truck appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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