
FIREWORKS! Rep. Matt Gaetz Grills Al Sharpton During House Hearing with HIS OWN RACIST QUOTES (VIDEO)

- September 19, 2019

Rev. Al Sharpton testified before the US House Oversight Committee today in Washington DC.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) grilled Rev. Al on his racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic statements from over the years by reading his own racist quotes back to him.

The Democrats on the committee interrupted Rep. Gaetz numerous times to cut into his complete evisceration of Rev. Al.

This was an EPIC TAKEDOWN!

Rep. Gaetz: “Have you ever referred to African Americans that disagreed with you as ‘cocktail-sip negroes’?”

Reverend Al Sharpton: “I have.”

Here’s is the full exchange on OANN.

The post FIREWORKS! Rep. Matt Gaetz Grills Al Sharpton During House Hearing with HIS OWN RACIST QUOTES (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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