
Fireworks! Rudy Giuliani BLASTS Chris Cuomo for CNN’s Refusal to Cover MASSIVE BIDEN FAMILY UKRAINIAN SCANDAL (VIDEO)

- September 19, 2019

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani joined Laura Ingraham on Thursday to discuss the latest media scandal against Donald Trump.

Rudy Giuliani told Laura Ingraham, “This is the best indication I’ve ever seen that CNN and the New York Times are completely corrupt.”

This was after his blowout interview earlier on Thursday with Chris Cuomo on CNN.

Rudy then went on to discuss Joe Biden’s bribery and extortion of the Ukrainian government.

After leaving office in 2017, Vice President Joe Biden Bragged about strong-arming the government of Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor.

Joe Biden made the remarks during a meeting of foreign policy specialists. Biden said he, “Threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.” Biden suggested during his talk that Barack Obama was in on the threat.

In April John Solomon revealed what Biden did not tell his audience. Joe Biden had Poroshenko fired because he was investigating Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Poroshenko was investigating $3 million in funds that were being transferred out of Ukraine and into accounts in the United States at that time.
So Joe Biden had him fired.

John Solomon joined Hannity in April to drop this bomb on the scandalous Biden family.

On Thursday Rudy slammed the liberal media led by CNN and The New York Times for ignoring this monumental scandal while attacking President Trump for pushing the new Ukrainian leadership to clean up their act and investigate the Biden family crimes.

Rudy Giuliani railed against Chris Cuomo on CNN tonight on the channel’s refusal to cover the Biden family’s corruption.

Laura Ingraham played the explosive exchange on her show.

The post Fireworks! Rudy Giuliani BLASTS Chris Cuomo for CNN’s Refusal to Cover MASSIVE BIDEN FAMILY UKRAINIAN SCANDAL (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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