
FIRST VIDEO: Democrat and Hillary Friend and Donor Ed Buck LOOKS FREAKED OUT As Judge Sets His Bail at $4 Million

- September 22, 2019

Top Democrat donor and Hillary friend Ed Buck was finally arrested Tuesday night after a third man overdosed in his apartment.

The man who overdosed in Ed Buck’s Los Angeles apartment last week survived, however the other two victims previously died.

Ed Buck loves to inject young black gay escorts with methamphetamine — the mother of one of Ed Buck’s victims described it as a fetish.

He was finally arrested after two black gay escorts died in his apartment from overdoses.

KTLA 5 reported:

The prominent Democratic donor and LGBTQ political activist Ed Buck was arrested Tuesday and charged with operating a drug house and providing methamphetamine to a 37-year-old man who overdosed last week, officials said.

Buck was charged with three counts of battery causing serious injury, administering methamphetamine and maintaining a drug house, according to the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office. Buck is accused of injecting the victim, who survived, with methamphetamine on Sept. 11.

Buck was charged with operating a drug house.

According to the LA Times — Sheriff’s investigators found hundreds of photographs in Buck’s home of men in compromising positions.

This past week Buck was given bail set at $4 million.  He looked absolutely lost and in shock –

Democrat Buck looked like he was coming off of something.  He might even be in a suicide vest.  He should have been behind bars a long time ago.

Hat tip D. Manny

The post FIRST VIDEO: Democrat and Hillary Friend and Donor Ed Buck LOOKS FREAKED OUT As Judge Sets His Bail at $4 Million appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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