
Liberal New York Times Writer Says She Has Had Insomnia ‘Since the Cursed Night’ Trump Won

- September 08, 2019

Michelle Goldberg is a poster child for Trump Derangement Syndrome.

She dreams about the destruction of the Republican party, although she claims she hasn’t slept well since Trump won in 2016.

News Busters reports:

NY Times Writer: ‘Insomnia…Has Plagued Me Since the Cursed Night’ Trump Won

New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg danced a jig on the grave of the Grand Old Party and admitted that the presence of Trump in the White House literally keeps her up at night in “Dare We Dream of the End of the G.O.P.? — In a new book, the pollster Stanley Greenberg predicts a blue tidal wave in 2020.” The Times liked it so much it put the piece on the front of nytimes.com Friday morning, with an imminent print appearance likely.

Toward the end of his new book, “R.I.P. G.O.P.,” the renowned Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg makes a thrilling prediction, delivered with the certainty of prophecy. “The year 2020 will produce a second blue wave on at least the scale of the first in 2018 and finally will crash and shatter the Republican Party that was consumed by the ill-begotten battle to stop the New America from governing,” he writes.

It sounds almost messianic: the Republican Party, that foul agglomeration of bigotry and avarice that has turned American politics into a dystopian farce, not just defeated but destroyed.

Here’s the key passage:

His confidence will not be enough to lessen the insomnia that has plagued me since the cursed night when Trump was elected. But his book should be a corrective to the media’s overweening focus on the mulish devotion of Trump voters. Trump hatred is a much more potent force in this country than Trump love….

Take a look at her toxic Twitter feed:

She seems like a really pleasant person, doesn’t she?

Cross posted from American Lookout.

The post Liberal New York Times Writer Says She Has Had Insomnia ‘Since the Cursed Night’ Trump Won appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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