
Man Calls Trump a Slur, Here’s How Kamala Harris Responded to Him

- September 07, 2019

Kamala Harris has stepped in it again.

Fresh off letting you know she wants to control every aspect of your life at CNN’s climate change town hall, Harris hit the campaign trail again. She’s currently languishing in a distant fourth place in the Democrat primary and needs any boost she can get. While in New Hampshire, she took a comment from man ranting about impeachment.

Then things escalated.

“I don’t buy that argument that impeachment does not make sense; the Senate will acquit. I don’t buy that argument. There needs to be accountability. What are you going to do in the next one year to diminish the mentally retarded actions of this guy,” said the man, as some in the audience chuckled.

“Well said,” Harris responded. “Well said.”

“I plan to win this election, I’ll tell you that.”

Harris’ reaction didn’t sit well with with even some liberals, who see using the phrase “mentally retarded” as highly offensive. Worse, Harris then decided the best response to to lie and say she didn’t hear the man.

If you watch this video, this isn’t just improbable, but impossible. She heard it, no question.

Of course, the media are buying her story because that’s what they did. Get a load of this headline.

She also laughed and said “well said,” but I guess that context wasn’t important to CBS. It must be really nice to be a Democrat politician. Not only can you get away with anything, but the media will go out of their way to present you as “above the fray.”

The simple fact is that Harris is just bad at this. I haven’t bought into her campaign from day one. Even after everyone was on her bandwagon after the first debate, I wrote an article here opining she was a sucker’s bet. She’s just a terrible, inauthentic candidate. Way too many people bought into the idea that because she’s black and a woman, that she was going to rocket to the top.

It hasn’t happened and it’s not going to.


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