On Friday morning, MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski took a novel approach to news and commentary: She turned into Maury Povich.
The Morning Joe chick went full “Who’s your daddy” with regard to 13-year-old Barron Trump.
Joe — Mika’s husband — referenced a comment from POTUS two days before:
“We’re going to have Donald Trump, yesterday — I think it was yesterday — in the White House, talking about ‘Melania’s son.'”
Mika theorized:
“Maybe it is Melania’s son.”
“It is Melania’s son?” Joe asked.
Take it away, Maury…uh, Mika:
“Well, that’s what he was saying. He was saying it was just her son. … It’s not — that’s just what he said.”
Joe: “Let me get back to Biden, because I don’t know exactly what you’re saying.”
“It seems that he didn’t remember Barron’s name or —.”
“Just stop, just stop,” the hubs halted.
As noted by The Daily Wire, on Wednesday, the President was talking to reporters about vaping:
“[It] has become a very big business as I understand it, like a giant business in a very short period of time. But we can’t allow people to get sick, and we can’t have our youth be so affected. And I’m hearing it, and that’s how the First Lady got involved. She’s got a son, together, that is a beautiful young man and she feels very, very strongly about it.”
Therefore, apparently, Donald Trump ain’t the papa.
Perhaps you frequently wonder how comments made about Trump would’ve been received, had they been spoken about Obama. If not, this might be a good opportunity for ya to start.
Social media noticed the daytime-talk-show low of it all:
The next time you listen to Mika do a speech on the need to raise civility and discourse in the country, take this out of the retort file: https://t.co/Fy5oAJN0c9
— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) September 13, 2019
Mika’s just asking questions you guys pic.twitter.com/J3zKUzekcZ
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 13, 2019
If you want to debate policies, that’s one thing.
But there’s no excuse for attacking President Trump’s 13-year-old child.
Kids should be off limits.
Why don't MSNBC and Mika Brzezinski think that applies to @realDonaldTrump?
Her comments are indefensible.
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) September 13, 2019
The next time @morningmika rages against @realDonaldTrump’s “attacks on the media” remember this video.
This is absolutely disgusting on so many levels!!!
Kids should be off limits, always.
Vile disgusting trash. pic.twitter.com/7XpMNKR7Gz
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) September 13, 2019
I’ll say this, though: Mika’s not necessarily soiling the network’s reputation. It’s got a great history, and no one can take that away:
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