On Wednesday, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank lambasted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for supporting “free speech” as it applies to billionaires spending unlimited money on elections — but not to private citizens criticizing him. “McConnell, who styles himself a champion of free speech, has lately not been such a fan of free speech […]CONTINUE READING >>>
‘Muzzle Mitch’ McConnell loves free speech — except if it’s criticizing him: Columnist
![‘Muzzle Mitch’ McConnell loves free speech — except if it’s criticizing him: Columnist](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/--8C6STJ8hQg/WYfXRyGS9pI/AAAAAAAAS74/NTGZo57gqocDdPgJeF4Xnha7TK5O9x7SgCHMYCw/s640/PicsArt_08-07-09.57.21.jpg)