
Office of Inspector General Finds FBI Special Agent in Charge Failed to Report Intimate Relationship with Subordinate – Retires During OIG Probe

- September 18, 2019

The Office of Inspector General announced Tuesday findings of misconduct by an FBI Special Agent in Charge who failed to report an intimate relationship with a subordinate.

The SAC also demonstrated favoritism and contributed to the decline in staff morale, according to the OIG report.

“The OIG found that the SAC committed misconduct because the SAC failed to report the relationship to appropriate personnel as required by FBI policy. The OIG also found that several of the SAC’s actions involving the subordinate, including participating in the awards process resulting in the subordinate receiving a performance award, lacked impartiality, demonstrated favoritism, and created appearance of bias toward the subordinate.” the report stated.

“We further found that the SAC’s relationship with the subordinate was a contributing factor in the decline in morale among some staff.”

The Special Agent in Charge deployed his golden parachute and retired during the course of the OIG investigation.

Had enough yet, America?

Read the OIG findings of misconduct:

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