
REPORT: Trump’s Communications with Foreign Leader Are Part of Whistleblower Complaint That Prompted Standoff Between Acting DNI and Congress

- September 18, 2019

The standoff between Acting DNI Joseph Maguire and rabid Democrats in Congress is heating up.

Now this…

The Deep State is fanning the flames by leaking to the Washington Post ahead of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson’s closed-door testimony about the whistleblower complaint scheduled for Thursday.

House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) recently subpoenaed Acting DNI Chief Joseph Maguire and accused him of illegally withholding a whistleblower complaint from Congress that could potentially be ‘covering up the president’s misconduct.’

“The Committee can only conclude, based on this remarkable confluence of factors, that the serious misconduct at issue involves the President of the United States and/or other senior White House or Administration officials,” Schiff said in a letter to Maquire a week and a half ago.

The whistleblower complaint was filed last month shortly after Maquire was chosen to be acting DNI Chief.

Joseph Maguire refused to comply with Schiff’s September 17 deadline and will not testify this week or hand over the whistleblower complaint, prompting a standoff with Congress.

According to two former US officials familiar with the matter, Trump’s communications with a foreign leader are a part of the whistleblower complaint that spawned the tense standoff.

It is unclear which foreign leader, however, people are speculating it may either be Trump’s July 31 phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin (of course Russia) or Trump’s communications with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.

WaPo reported:

Trump’s interaction with the foreign leader included a “promise” that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official in the U.S. intelligence community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intelligence community, said the officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

It was not immediately clear which foreign leader Trump was speaking with or what he pledged to deliver, but his direct involvement in the matter has not been previously disclosed. It raises new questions about the president’s handling of sensitive information and may further strain his relationship with U.S. spy agencies. One former official said the communication was a phone call.

Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson determined that the complaint was credible and troubling enough to be considered a matter of “urgent concern,” a legal threshold that ordinarily requires notification of congressional oversight committees.

Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson is scheduled to testify to the House Intelligence Panel on Thursday in a closed-door, classified session.

Joseph Maguire, after pushing back on Schiff’s request to appear on Capitol Hill, as agreed to testify next week according to a statement released by Adam Schiff.

This is nothing but a hit from the Deep State to pile on President Trump as he enters his 2020 re-election campaign.

Recall, the Democrat-media complex didn’t care when Barack Obama got caught on a hot mic in 2012 promising outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” after the November election.

The post REPORT: Trump’s Communications with Foreign Leader Are Part of Whistleblower Complaint That Prompted Standoff Between Acting DNI and Congress appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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