Reuters has a daily feature on their website called “Editor’s Choice Photos” where photographs of items in the days’ news cycle can be viewed. For example, today they show Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife casting their votes in the Israeli election as well as Brazilian fire brigade members trying to control a fire in the Amazon. Also included is an image of a “man carrying a gun walking along a street blocked by barricades during a general strike day to protest against the shortage of fuel and against the government, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and a man entering his flooded home after torrential rains in Dolores near Alicante, Spain.”
You get the idea. The editors present the news of the day through a series of photographs, most of which contain some element of drama.
Included in today’s collection is a photo showing President Trump climbing the stairs to board Air Force One. The wind has blown up the side vent of his jacket revealing – wait for it – a $20 bill stuffed into his back pocket.
Money is seen in President Donald Trump's back pocket as he boards Air Force One in Mountain View, California. More photos of the day:
— Reuters Pictures (@reuterspictures) September 18, 2019
How is this newsworthy?
Here are some reader responses to the photograph:
Hard hitting news…Keep up the good job.
LOL at making a story about the President having $20 in his back pocket.
President Trump was always known for being a very good tipper.
He carries $3000 around at all times to tip people that gives him good service. Nice.
Tip money at the ready.
Trump is prolly trolling y’all in the press since he went to 3 private fund raisers
If so, kudos to him
A $20 bill!?!?!? Start the impeachment proceedings!!!!
Billionaire has cash in his pocket
— unnoan (@unnoan1) September 18, 2019
The post Reuters’ Photo of the Day: ‘Money Is Seen In President Trump’s Back Pocket As He Boards Air Force One’ appeared first on RedState.