
Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Just Put Another Bullet Into the Latest Trump “Scandal”

- September 23, 2019

President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump walks across the South Lawn as he arrives at the White House, Sunday, June 30, 2019, in Washington. Trump returns from a visit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the border village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea as well as the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Just how much can a story targeting Donald Trump implode? Apparently, this much.

If you are short on background, on Wednesday of last week, a story broke that a “whistle-blower” had filed a complaint against President Trump. The assertion was that Trump had threatened Ukraine’s newly elected president on a phone call over investigating Joe Biden. The threat supposedly involved $250 million in military aid. After a day of full blown meltdowns on the left and in the media, the impeachment train was stopped in its tracks when it was revealed Trump had in fact not threatened Ukraine, nor offered any kind of quid pro quo.

In the end, we are left with Biden admitting to extorting Ukraine on tape and Trump simply asking if it could be looked into. Worst scandal ever.

Now, Ukraine’s foreign minister, who has read the read out of the call, just dumped even more cold water on this story.

“I know what the conversation was about and I think there was no pressure,” Prystaiko told Hromadske. “There was talk, conversations are different, leaders have the right to discuss any problems that exist. This conversation was long, friendly, and it touched on many questions, sometimes requiring serious answers.”

This is correct. Whether Democrats and the media want to admit it or not, presidents talk to foreign leaders. They inquire on many different things and it would certainly be in bounds to ask why a former VP is on tape admitting he extorted Ukraine’s former administration. There was no promise made or pressure applied here. How do I know? Because no investigation happened and the money ended up being released anyway. We are once again left arguing hypothetical nonsense, much like during the Mueller probe.

The real story here continues to be Biden bragging on camera that he extorted Ukraine’s former administration. There was no reason for Biden do what he did from a foreign policy standpoint and even if there were, the former VP knew about the grave conflicts of interests. We already know he lied about having discussed his son’s employment in Ukraine. We know the Obama administration warned him. Yet, he threatened Ukraine anyway until they fired a prosecutor who was targeting his son. That stinks to high heaven and deserves a real investigation.

We were told for years after Trump was elected that investigations are good. That the subjects of them should be thankful for their coming exoneration. Why is this any different? Why isn’t Mitt Romney demanding a probe into Biden’s actions? Why is it that investigations are only good and proper when they target Trump? Why is Biden allowed to obfuscate and dictate to the press on this matter?

None of this lost on Republican voters and they see the game is rigged.


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