
Black Trump Supporter in Minnesota: ‘I’ve Registered A Lot of Black Voters, Trump Will Win More of the Black Community Here’ (VIDEO)

- Oktober 10, 2019

Minnesota is in play for President Trump in 2020 and the Democrats are panicking that he may break through their ‘blue wall.’

President Trump held a massive rally in Minneapolis Thursday evening.

Tens-of-thousands of Trump supporters lined up Thursday in Minneapolis to see President Trump at the Target Center.

A Minneapolis rally volunteer named Ramon told Trump’s 2020 press sec Kayleigh McEnany that he is registering tons of black voters in Minnesota.

“I decided to do anything I can to help him out, you know, to get the African-American votes or to show that Trump is not a racist and he’s not the bad person that the media makes him out to be,” Ramon said.

“Do you think he’ll win more of the African-Americans this time than he did in 2016?” Kayleigh asked Ramon.

“Sure. For sure 100%,” Ramon said, adding that blacks are changing their vote to Trump in 2020.

“I do voter registration here in Minnesota and I’ve got a lot of African-Americans signed up to vote and I’m sure he will have a lot of African-American votes here in Minnesota.”

Ramon has a goal of registering 15 voters a day for President Trump in 2020!


Minnesota is a state President Trump lost by only 1.5 points to Crooked in 2016.

The only state Ronald Reagan lost in 1984 was Minnesota (and DC) — if Trump flips Minnesota red, that would be a YUGE victory!

The post Black Trump Supporter in Minnesota: ‘I’ve Registered A Lot of Black Voters, Trump Will Win More of the Black Community Here’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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