
BUFFOON: In May Joe Biden Said China’s Not A Threat – Now Says Trump Too Weak On China (VIDEO)

- Oktober 12, 2019

If the Democrats nominate Joe Biden, they are not only going to lose in 2020, they are going to look stupid doing it.

In May of this year, Joe Biden told America that China represents no threat to the United States.

Now he is calling them human rights abusers and saying that Trump is weak for not standing up to them.

So which is it Joe?

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Biden: Trump Is Too Weak on China

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden blasted President Donald Trump in a speech Wednesday for being too soft on the Chinese, a departure from his previous dismissal of China as a threat.

The former vice president was giving a campaign speech in New Hampshire when he accused Trump of abdicating U.S. leadership and embracing Chinese authoritarianism.

“He is commander in chief of the most powerful military in the history of the world,” Biden said. “He’s supposed to be the leader of the free world. Yet with the free world under threat of advancing authoritarianism, Donald Trump has completely abdicated America’s global leadership and embraced those autocrats.”

Biden continued to rebuke Trump for not speaking out against China’s crackdown on Hong Kong protesters and its imprisonment of religious minorities.

Watch the video below:

Maybe this has something to do with Biden’s sudden change of heart on China.

From NBC News:

Biden’s trip to China with son Hunter in 2013 comes under new scrutiny

At the time, it seemed mildly noteworthy, but not particularly unusual: then-Vice President Joe Biden, traveling to China on an official visit, had brought his son Hunter Biden along.

And when the two appeared in public together in Beijing during the 2013 trip, there were all the typical trappings of a mini-family vacation tacked on to a business trip.

With granddaughter Finnegan in tow, the Biden men sipped tea in a Confucian-style teahouse, leafed through books at local shops and treated themselves to mid-afternoon ice cream.

But almost six years later, Biden’s trip to Beijing is coming under new scrutiny amid revelations about President Donald Trump’s efforts to dig up information to corroborate his unproven corruption allegations regarding Biden and his son’s work in Ukraine…

What wasn’t known then was that as he accompanied his father to China, Hunter Biden was forming a Chinese private equity fund that associates said at the time was planning to raise big money, including from China.

Trump doesn’t even need to make attack ads featuring Joe Biden.

Biden is doing all the work himself.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

The post BUFFOON: In May Joe Biden Said China’s Not A Threat – Now Says Trump Too Weak On China (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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