
Daily Reminder: Lindsey Graham Could Call in Former US Ambassador Kurt Volker to Testify and Blow Up Dem Impeachment Narrative – But He Refuses to Act… Why? (UPDATED)

- Oktober 29, 2019

On May 1, 2019 Lindsey Graham, the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, promised investigations on how the Mueller probe started.

Senator Graham made the the comments during testimony by US Attorney General Bill Barr in front of the US Senate.

But Lindsey Graham lied.
Lindsey Graham is a fraud.

Lindsey Graham has scheduled NO COMMITTEE HEARINGS on Deep State, FBI, CIA, Spygate, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Mueller, Stefan Halper, George Papadopoulos, Tom Fitton, Sidney Powell, Joe diGenova, John Brennan, James Comey, Chris Wray, etc.

Here is the list of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings since Lindsey Graham made that lie back on May 1, 2019.

On Monday Senator Rand Paul joined Tucker Carlson to discuss Lindsey Graham’s empty promises and multiple lies to the American public.

Lindsey promised to investigate the origins of the Russia hoax, the Ukrainian investigation and the Roger Stone raid.
These were ALL LIES.

And Tucker Carlson noted that Lindsey Graham will not call in former Ambassador Kurt Volker to the Judiciary Committee even though his testimony undermines the current Democratic Party Ukrainian narrative!

Tucker Carlson: Now his inaction extends to the Ukraine saga as well. State Department official Kurt Volker has given closed door testimony that undermines the current impeachment narrative. Two weeks ago Graham said that if Democrats didn’t release a transcript of Volker’s remarks he would summon Volker before the Senate to testify. We’re still waiting for that to happen too.

Lindsey Graham could destroy the Democrats’ entire Ukrainian narrative with one public hearing!

What is Lindsey Graham waiting for? Who is he protecting?

UPDATE– On Tuesday we found out that Adam Schiff’s witness Colonel Alexander Vindman admitted he shared the president’s call with people who were relevant and who had sort of a need to know and proper security clearance. As Catherine Herridge reported today the reason this matters is that presidential phone calls are highly classified and if they’re shared with people who don’t have a need to know that would be a potential violation of the leaking statute that is 18 USC 798.

Will Lindsey Graham call in Colonel Alexander Vindman to testify? Or will he ignore this too.

The post Daily Reminder: Lindsey Graham Could Call in Former US Ambassador Kurt Volker to Testify and Blow Up Dem Impeachment Narrative – But He Refuses to Act… Why? (UPDATED) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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