
John Durham and Bill Barr Have Expanded Their Investigation Into the Trump-Russia Fiasco

- Oktober 08, 2019

Seton Motley | Red State | RedState.com

Just when you think Bill Barr and John Durham aren’t going to deliver anything worthwhile, we go and get leaks like this that re-peak my interest.

As we’ve known for most of the year now, the DOJ is currently conducting a probe of the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation. This includes possible corruption in the FISA process, as well as the improper surveillance of Trump and his campaign. Except now it appears they aren’t just looking into the origins anymore. A new report is saying that the investigation has expanded to cover post the inauguration.

John Durham, the U.S. attorney reviewing the origins of the 2016 counterintelligence investigation into Russia and the Trump campaign, is probing a wider timeline than previously known, according to multiple senior administration officials.

Fox News previously reported that Durham would be reviewing the days leading up to the 2016 election and through the inauguration.

However, based on what he has been finding, Durham has expanded his investigation adding agents and resources, the senior administration officials said. The timeline has grown from the beginning of the probe through the election and now has included a post-election timeline through the spring of 2017, up to when Robert Mueller was named special counsel.

The highlighted portion is key. What exactly has he been finding that’s led to a widening of the probe when we all expected it to be contracting?

We do know that a lot went on in the weeks following Trump being sworn in, eventually culminating with the firing of partisan hacks like Sally Yates, who finds herself at the center of much of the action taken after Trump was elected in November. Yates, along with a cabal of Obama officials, were working diligently to plant the seeds of the Russia collusion hoax and lay the groundwork for what would engulf the new administration for over two years.

Of course, we also know that James Comey and company were still renewing FISA warrants months after the inauguration and they were no more backed by evidence than the original ones.

I will say this. I’ve been very skeptical of Barr dropping the hammer on anyone here, but it does appear that he’s going after many of the aspects that have been previously ignored. While I think the IG report will fall flat (it is an Obama appointee after all and Horowitz did his best to whitewash his last report on the Hillary investigation), perhaps the DOJ will end up bringing about some justice here?

We’ll find out.


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