
McConnell Defends President Trump, Slams House Dems Amid War on Impeachment

- Oktober 08, 2019

Mitch McConnell

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) defended President Trump and slammed House Dems on Tuesday evening in a pair of tweets.

The war on impeachment escalated Tuesday after White House Counsel Pat Cipollone formally told Pelosi and House Dems to pound sand and refused to cooperate with their Soviet-style show trials.

“Overturning the results of an American election requires the highest level of fairness and due process, as it strikes at the core of our democratic process,” McConnell said.

“So far, the House has fallen far short by failing to follow the same basic procedures that it has followed for every other President in our history,” he added.

President Trump responded to McConnell’s tweets.

Should the House of Representatives vote to impeach President Trump, McConnell should immediately dismiss the case.

McConnell is up for reelection in 2020 so he better fight like hell to protect President Trump from the coup or he can kiss his Senate seat goodbye.

The post McConnell Defends President Trump, Slams House Dems Amid War on Impeachment appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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